Farah Khan


Staff member
this one is making me think long and hard about the death penalty. It's just utterly heinous, despicable. and very very sad.

The story has been rocking our area since her remains were discovered. I'd wanted to post it before...but in the international climate I hadn't wanted it to denigrate into a racial issue. I really just feel for this girl. The parents are on trial now, so it's back on people's minds, and I thought it'd be a good time to share this one.

If we had capital punishment here, the guy could die, and fade to black...as it stands, he can suffer for life in prison...I keep coming back to that, and thinking the suffering is soooooo much better a punishment.

aaaaaanyway you can see by my babbling that this one is troubling...so go ahead and have a read, but it's disturbing, so be warned.
Farah Khan was just settled into senior kindergarten and bracing for her first Canadian winter in early December, 1999. She was 5 years old and, at only 35 pounds and a shade under 40 inches tall, tiny even for her age.
She'd arrived in Toronto from Pakistan that April, and though her middle name was Jahan, it might easily have been change. In her short life, Farah Khan had already been taken from her birth mother, had her given name changed from the original Maryam, had been moved halfway across the world and, in less than eight months in Canada, had already moved three times.
That fall, Farah had pictures taken with her schoolmates in Miss Cartwright's class at Second St. Public School in Etobicoke. She was wearing a peach dress with white frills. And she apparently loved those pictures.
A Superior Court jury was told yesterday — at the opening of the first-degree murder trial of her father and stepmother — that Farah's passion to own them may have cost her her life.
On Dec. 7, 1999, her dismembered body parts were found buried in green garbage bags in two Etobicoke parks.
A few weeks later, in the apartment in which her father and stepmother were living, police found the peach dress cut into more than 100 pieces.
Crown Attorney David Fisher told the jury that evidence he plans to call will show that "under our law, both Kaneez Fatima and Muhammad Arsal Khan are criminally responsible for the first-degree murder of Farah Khan."

the rest of the long sad story

What about that Islamic court thinghy that they supposedly instituted in Canada? Could he possibly petition to be heard in that court and then freed because... after all.. it could all be claimed as one of those honor killings.
unclehobart said:
What about that Islamic court thinghy that they supposedly instituted in Canada? Could he possibly petition to be heard in that court and then freed because... after all.. it could all be claimed as one of those honor killings.

it hasn't be implimented yet, and even if it was, and they did get off, I think we would have an old fashoined lynching.
people would not stand for them getting off on something like this

i hope
It's stories like this that enforce my belief in the death penalty just that much more. Why have the attacker(s) rot in prison when you'll just have to fund them to live?
Because with the appeals that are automatic in Death Penalty cases, the average cost of putting someone to death is something like 50 times that of actually keeping them in prison til they die.
It seems the Islamic court institutions are problematic worldwide. It's the same in Nigeria for instance where the Northern parts are predominantly Muslem. Although the Nigerian constitution is against death penalty these days, in the Northern parts they still enforce Shari'a Law which protects the right to commit honour killings.

What gets me though, is how honourable is it to kill a child of 5? Poor baby had her whole life ahead of her.........fuck, things like this just make me feel so unbelievable disgusted at the sick nature of some 'things' that claim to be part of the human race.
why should they just be able to fade to black like that? why not let them live and suffer both through no freedom and years on years of *hopefully* guilt?
Besides, research has shown that the prospect of lifetime imprisonment is more daunting than the threat of execution.
AlphaTroll said:
It seems the Islamic court institutions are problematic worldwide. It's the same in Nigeria for instance where the Northern parts are predominantly Muslem. Although the Nigerian constitution is against death penalty these days, in the Northern parts they still enforce Shari'a Law which protects the right to commit honour killings.

What gets me though, is how honourable is it to kill a child of 5? Poor baby had her whole life ahead of her.........fuck, things like this just make me feel so unbelievable disgusted at the sick nature of some 'things' that claim to be part of the human race.
Certanly no honor in killing a 5 year old boy ... girls, in that they are seen as chattle and property, are much less valued in death.
hopefully they'll end up in jail, with the knowledge that they'll never leave that place...that they'll NEVER have their freedom back. that they'll know that the only reason why they still exist is to die.
PuterTutor said:
Because with the appeals that are automatic in Death Penalty cases, the average cost of putting someone to death is something like 50 times that of actually keeping them in prison til they die.

You got me there. But then, I'm against multiple appeals. If you're convicted, sure - appeal and see what happens. Convicted twice, you gonna die.
Rose said:
You got me there. But then, I'm against multiple appeals. If you're convicted, sure - appeal and see what happens. Convicted twice, you gonna die.
I agree completely, there should be an automatic appeal. ONE. Can't convince them there might be something wrong by then, you're done.
I think it's an easy way out as opposed to sitting in a maximum security cell for 20-30 years all alone waiting to die, nothing to do but think, knowing you're a dreg of society.
True, but imagine sitting in a cell for a year waiting for your moment to come. Knowing it's coming, knowing you will be strapped to a table and that will be your last memory.
I don't see the point in keeping such useless wastes of life living in a cell. Jails should not be permanent housing. Someone has to fund the security of the jail, the inmates meals, electricity ...

Now, I'm all for making inmates work to fund themselves - public service work or whatever. But in cases like this ... death penalty.