Farah Khan

Professur said:
Hey Bish. Baaaaaa

I think that I just voted FOR the death penalty... that opinion never changed. I'm not following the herd.

If you're calling em a black-sheep for actually stating non-liberal opinions... so be it. I'm not your traditional liberal. :)

Oh...and I know you Scotts like sheep, so I'd appreciate it if you don't stand behind me for the next little while, kay? :p

I was referring to your blindness. Are you willing to be that one person in a thousand who gets whacked innocently?
Professur said:
I was referring to your blindness. Are you willing to be that one person in a thousand who gets whacked innocently?

If I can save the lives of the victims of the other 9,999 scum-that-dare-call-themselves-human, by dying once... count me in. I should've been in the army with ideals like that though...risking my life for those of others
If it is ok for a completely innocent person to be killed every now and again why the hell are you guys so up in arms about this innocent person being killed?

Is it because she was a beautiful little girl? How about if she was an ugly middle aged guy? Would that make it ok? Or is it simply because it would be done by some nameless representative of the Government? Is it that that makes killing innocents ok?
MrBishop said:
If I can save the lives of the victims of the other 9,999 scum-that-dare-call-themselves-human, by dying once... count me in. I should've been in the army with ideals like that though...risking my life for those of others

No. With ideals like that, you should be standing in front of a bus.
MrBishop said:
I'd rather toss out some wheat with the chaff than leave some chaff in there and risk choking.

I'd rather kill 1 innocent with 9,999 multiple-murderers and child-rapists than allow one monster loose on a life-sentence technicality and read about a recently-released convict raping and killing a 5 year old child.

I call this grim reaper idealism and short sighted to boot. The fact is that in the real world youll end up killing innocents AND letting some bad apples go. No matter how much of a kill em all mentality you have about convicts. You dont control space time. You cant guarantee that being harsher with criminals will mean youll kill all the criminals. The laws of nature will just screw you over both ways. So just let go of this truly bizare idea of killing innocents because we may also get a few really bad apples in the process shall we. gotnolegs had it right when he said that one innocent has already been killed here. Do we really want to kill some more because of that?
gnl I do not feel that anyone who murders or rapes should be allowed out. it doesnt matter what sex or age or race or creed what the victim was. they aint coming back and in my eyes the killer is a threat to society. I do not advocate locking up or killing innocents it is why I say appeal system.
freako104 said:
gnl I do not feel that anyone who murders or rapes should be allowed out. it doesnt matter what sex or age or race or creed what the victim was. they aint coming back and in my eyes the killer is a threat to society. I do not advocate locking up or killing innocents it is why I say appeal system.

I am not saying that the people that commited this crime should not be punished, simply that imho it is not acceptable to kill innocent people. It is never acceptable no matter what the situation. If you can come up with a completely foolproof legal system that guarantees mistakes never happen then I may change my views on the death penalty.
i never advocated the killing of innocents. i did say that id ratehr innocent be allowed to appeal and let the guilty be in jail as well. In America the philosophy is 10 guilty go free than one innocent convicted. while I do agree wtih some of the ideals I dont like the idea of guilty people going free. I think they should suffer. I dont want innocent people to suffer under any circumstances. but itd be better to let the guilty suffer for their crimes than let them be free

The father who dismembered his own daughter has been found guilty of first degree murder in a Toronto courtroom.

Muhammad Arsal Khan admitted killing the little girl, but argued he’d done it out of a sudden rage, and should be found culpable of a lesser charge. The jury didn’t agree, unanimously condemning him for his actions. He's been sent to prison for life, with no eligibility for parole for 25 years.

The child’s step-mother, Kaneez Fatima, was found guilty on a lesser but still serious charge of second degree murder. She’d told the jury she was too frightened of her husband’s violent temper to stop the murder from taking place.

The jury was divided about when Fatima will be able to apply for parole. Four suggested it be delayed for at least 15 years, four others are demanding 20 years, while two want to wait a quarter of a century and the final pair had no comment. The judge will consider their recommendations when he makes his final ruling on her sentence May 5th.
Okay. I've seen this come up and would like to add a couple of statements.

1. This guy should die. He confessed to the murder, with no coercion. That, plus the evidence, showed his guilt. In this type of case, the death penalty should be quick, with no appeals.

2. If anyone gets the death penalty, the first appeal should be automatic. If that appeal fails, then that person is now scheduled for execution in 6 months. No more time should be allowed. However...if this person is put to death and is later found to be innocent, then any person who was involved in the 'bum-rush' to get this person found guilty gets the exact same punishment.

Would this stop all innocent people from getting the death penalty? Probably not, but I guarantee you'd get proper procedure every step of the way in an investigation, and the DA wouldn't be as quick to see a person executed. ;)
hmm...death penalty and DA's...I be thinkin' you've got your countries mixed up dude. :p

this one is one of the few which have given me pause to reconsider my stand on the death penalty...but I still stand where I did before.
Leslie said:
hmm...death penalty and DA's...I be thinkin' you've got your countries mixed up dude. :p

this one is one of the few which have given me pause to reconsider my stand on the death penalty...but I still stand where I did before.

DA is District Attorney, and I'm not mixed up. You can always switch the terms for the person doing the prosecuting to whatever your home has in it's place. ;)
nonono, he got 25...this is for her, for watching and abetting after the fact. And I think it's fair-ish, knowing the culture and whatnot, I wouldn't disbelieve that she wasn't afraid of him to a point.