Farewell to my ratties...


As many of you know I have kept rats as pets for some time now. Just the other day the very old mama rat died leaving here lone, lonely daughter. The remamining rat is depressed and I intend to give it away to a lady who has other rats that can become it's companion.

I am getting out of rats as pets for many reasons. They are wonderful fun and loving pets, but you can't let them run free (they wreak havoc). They get cancer a lot and it costs a lot of money to get their surgeries when they need them. Also, they don't live too long and it's always sad when your pet dies (every three or so years).

I'd reccomend rats as pets to anyone that can't have a dog or a cat, so long as you can afford periodic tumor removals.

Me, I am about to get a cat. My old dog is dying and costing a lot of money, so we decided a kitty would be just the thing.
I had a rat once...and was oddly devastated when he died. Couldn't bring myself to get another, either.

I don't know that cats are any cheaper than dogs in the end though, if money is why you're going for a cat over a dog or something else.
:( Sorry man, it's never easy. I lost my cat 4 months ago, I still think about her everyday, I miss her so much. Until last summer, I'd say she didn't cost us much, had only been to the vet a few times, declawed and fixed and a checkup once after she had gotten out of the house for a few days. Last summer she became diabetic and did start costing some money, but it still wasn't that much. The insulin was probably the single biggest cost, and that was only $30 (she only got one vial, she got a very low dose and probably wasn't even half through it when she went) and a check of her blood sugar every couple of weeks, though combined they added up but weren't overly expensive. She was lucky, never needed surgery, led a carefree and pain free life, but she was just so tired at the end, didn't look like she was in pain, but just drained of all her energy, it was so sad to see.
I had a pet rat years ago.....lil' dude was cool as hell :cool: (I think we were on the same wavelength or summit)

Sorry to hear that yer have to part with yours :(
I had a rescude lab rat named Atreyu. Brought the little guy with me everywhere. Damn he had the largest pair of testicles relative to body size I have ever seen!

I cried when he died. Missed the little bugger and his cheek licks...

I'm sorry that you lost the mom, and have to lest the other one go :(
I think that you are making a good decision about the rats. I am also sorry about your loss. I once had one too, luckily he did not have cancer. I am sorry to hear about the puppy.

Kitties are great fun. I hope you enjoy your kittie very much.
Aww that sucks :( My mum kept rats. Shes gone through about 3 pairs now. Just end up getting a lump and have to be put down or they die. Although the last pair were sisters and one of them couldnt walk one morning. She kept dragging her behind legs. Took her to the vet and found out she had broken her spine. She must of fallen and landed badly. So she was put down and then about a month later the other sister died. Broken heart prolly :(

I did grow attached to them even though they werent mine. They were fun pets.
I've had 2 rats as pets before. One was a rescued rat (Sherlock) who was with us for longer than I though was possible. No problems with cancer...died in her sleep.

My second rat (Watson) only lasted 2 years. I have cats now and can't keep rats or hamsters in my home...or birds for that matter :(

My furrballs are 'hunters' and quite effecient at it, unfortunatly.
Professur said:
I still can't believe you'd let the rat I bought you get eaten.
Didn't get eaten...died of old age so far as I could tell. Only the hamsters and both birds got eaten. watson stayed at home (my house) while the cats stayed at Mireille's place. Watson passed before Mireille moved in.

BTW...in case anyone didn't know it...hamsters SCREAM!!!!!...especially when ocnfronted by cats. :p
kuulani said:
Am I the only one here that thinks it's not normal to have rats as pets?
They're not the regular sewer rats...they're bred for either experimentation or as use as pets. They're also mighty clean, and far more intelligent than people give them credit for. I've never been bitten by any rat, though hamsters (which parents love to kive kids) bite a lot.

Gimme a rat over a hamster, gerbil, mouse or rabbit anyday!
Sturdy, smart, clean and better disposition.
I had rats as well. We had six rats and one mouse. One rat got eaten by the stupid dog my parents had, one had to be put down because of a massive hernia, and one for cancer. The others died natural deaths. We got the mouse because my mother bought it from a rat breeder, thinking it was a rat. The two females we had mothered it. I also bred them a couple of times. Nothing like little baby rats bouncing everywhere like popcorn. :D I miss how they'd sit under my hair, and chitter in my ear. :(