Fate or fallacy


New Member
Do concept like karma and fate gnaw at the back of your mind? One may be irreligious and yet very spiritual. One may not believe in fate and deja vu or psychic resonance, but still have a flicker of dread when passing by a cemetary at night. Any toughts?
I believe in my own version of karma, and fate is just the product of your current actions.
I wish there were karma. I feel like fate is just solipsistically absolving yourself from responsibility for your own actions. Hang on while I give the cemetery analogy all the attention I feel it deserves.:D
i believe in a form of karma as well as being not religious but spiritual. im not strongly religious but i am spiritual myself.
I think we create our own fate. Simple choices made in simple times affect the rest of our lives.

If you'd have called off the first date with your wife...

If you wouldn't have had sex that night...

Remember that crossroads as a youth? You chose one...what would have happened if you'd chosen differently....
god laughs at all of us, we're funny to him :)

i believe in an odd mixture of fate, and the ability to control one's own destiny as well.

it's confusing, ill type it up later when i feel like it more.
i strongly believe that things you do or say have a jinx, or impact if you will, on the future.
i believe every action is extremely signifigant, and effects all that follow it.
all of them.

ever see "sliding doors"? yeah, kind of like that.
My thoughts are that if i told anyone of the numerous things that have happened to me in the past few days you'd all say i was crazy...so i won't.
Nebbacudnezzer or David?

Two fictional characters, in the Christian Bible.

Both kings............one said, "I am God", one said "You are God".

Both were humbled............

Two very different stories, but in the end, both declared the God of the Bible, as God, and themselves as helpless dust.

Takes a lot to get a man to admit he is helpless dust, but this same God, who knows jus' how to bring about such a confession from every living soul, also is, Himself, the fulfillment of such vast voids that plague the minds an' souls of men.

Guess what I mean to say is that, though most folk are truely sensitve to spiritual issues/goings-on in their lives, or in the world aroun' them,

most have no real understandin' of the many glimpses of 'truth' that they see, in their lives.

Unbeliever an' believer 'ave this one commonality, both 'ave no genuine control over their own 'so called' destinys. (ask any cancer patient, accident victim or child-survivor of accute abuse)

The fact that I have no control over what I may call 'fate', doesn't mean I can't 'ave a greater sense of peace in my life.

I know the One who put the stars in the sky, though I don't fully understand Him or the reasons why He put them there.

Knowin' He is, an' He did, is enough for me.

Jus' knowin' that He is in control of every episode of what I may call "dejavu" in my life, an' that nothin' happens to me that doesn't first 'ave His approval, gives me great comfort!:)
Karma is my god. :worship:

I believe fate can sometimes be decided before you even perform the first action that leads to its outcome, but if you know about your fate in advance you generally have the power to change it. That's the problem though, kinda hard to know your fate beforehand. ;)
Doesn't necessarily have to be decided by a person. It could be decided by your karma. :beerbang:
fury said:
Doesn't necessarily have to be decided by a person. It could be decided by your karma. :beerbang:

What or who is this so-called Karma? I have no idea what that means.

If not an external personality, than how is it that you've become aware of the effects of this external-force in yer life?
Main Entry: kar·ma
Pronunciation: 'kär-m& also 'k&r-
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit karma fate, work
Date: 1827
1 often capitalized : the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence
chcr said:
Main Entry: kar·ma
Pronunciation: 'kär-m& also 'k&r-
Function: noun
Etymology: Sanskrit karma fate, work
Date: 1827
1 often capitalized : the force generated by a person's actions held in Hinduism and Buddhism to perpetuate transmigration and in its ethical consequences to determine the nature of the person's next existence

IE: a person's works=outcome?

(Thanks for the clarification, btw, chcr!)
IE: a person's works=outcome?
That's the way most interpret it, altough to Buddhists and Hindus it affects your next life, not necessarily this one.
Someone once said somethin' that I find some truth in........

Religion is spelled, "D O" - Christianity is spelled, "D O N E".

I believe in a price paid, nothin' to aspire to. Jus' the reception, from the believer, of a 'price' paid, for fallin' short of God's requirements.

Man, don't we jus' hate to admit we're wrong! An' in spite of the pain of it, we're all too willin' to spend the rest of our lives, on this Earth, tryin' to make up for it!

Myself, I'll gladly side with the One who said that I'll never be able to measure up to His requirements........ Since He also said that I can still be declared, "righteous", in His sight, by simply agreein' with Him, that His way of makin' up for it, is sufficient!

For those who wish to make it more complicated than He intends, peace, good luck an' I truely wish ya well tryin' to find yer karma.:)