Fate or fallacy

chcr said:
So what is it that YOU believe?

I also did not mean to offend you in any way, I was simply trying to clarify my point. I do in fact understand karma, I just don't believe in it. Actually, I'm an atheist. I believe that all religious beliefs stem from a basic need to abrogate responsibility. Now, I'm not denigrating your beliefs, you asked me to state mine. I don't expect friends, relatives or acquaintances to believe the same things that I do, and I expect the same courtesy from them. I am frequently quite pleased to discuss my beliefs with others, although I lose patience from time to time. This is a personal failing on my part, and should not be construed as a personal attack. I hope this clarifies things some, as you can see I tend to ramble.:)

chcr, I was neither offended, nor chastisin' ya bro! Actually, I live for threads which call us all to really account for that which we so boldly say we believe.

My, (above) comments were written with a smile, glad that ya were'nt afraid to throw in yer two bits!

I sure as hell don't 'ave all the answers to the mystery of this life, though I do boldly claim to know the One who does!:)

I think ya seem to be more of a seeker of truth, than a denier of the same.

I, myself, am jus' crawlin' towards the truth, which 'as been revealed to me. Its a far better position to be in, than tryin' to shout to the world, or this 'unknown' God, that, "I am God"!, which we all know, I am not!, (I think);)
Karma is the conceptualization that what goes around comes around. It in fact does exist, on a less than spiritual plane. The good guys may not always finish first, but for the most part, they have more pleasure getting there. Bad people tend to live nervous, anxious lives.

Personally, I don't believe in fate. But I do believe that a person is predisposed to a certain life by his own makeup. That can appear to be fate.
Professur said:
Karma is the conceptualization that what goes around comes around. It in fact does exist, on a less than spiritual plane. The good guys may not always finish first, but for the most part, they have more pleasure getting there. Bad people tend to live nervous, anxious lives.
I'm afraid I disagree. I've known many absolute bastards who sleep fine at night, consider it their right to step on everyone to get what they want, and yet never receive their "just desserts." At least not in this life, and since I sincerely doubt we get another one, no karma for me. As I often say, however, believe what you want. I will.:D
Professur said:
Personally, I don't believe in fate. But I do believe that a person is predisposed to a certain life by his own makeup. That can appear to be fate.
Agree with that one 100%. I think fate is an illusion.
75renegade said:
freako104 said:
75renegade said:
What or who is this so-called Karma? I have no idea what that means.

here is the super simple way. What goes around comes around

Thanks freako! Dunno if ya know it or care to, but that is Biblical as well.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". (an') "what so ever a man sows, that shall he also reap"

I do try to live by that. Its perfectly true, in spite of my own denial of it, at times. Sometimes, I'm jus' too arrogant to accept the reality of the principle. God help me too!:)

i hadnt known that actually. my family didnt teach me much about the bible and what they did teach me they kind of bashed it(my father told me it tends to put down women).

and in denfense of ash i also believe in reincarnation myself jsut a belief. why do you believe as you do?
freako104 said:
and in denfense of ash i also believe in reincarnation myself jsut a belief. why do you believe as you do?

Didn't mean to portray my view, in such a way as requires a 'defense'.

Jus' a simple question really.

Ya know freako, its kinda funny to me..........it seems, the older I get, the more I realize how little I REALLY "know" about anything.

I mean, I believe many things one day, though not enough to act upon them, half like I say I do, the next day.

Often times, I think I've found somethin' that will work for me for the rest of my life...........only to be let down, in spite of my sincerest of intent or devotion to that belief.

Life's like that, ya know? Jus' an' act without a script.

Guess if I 'ad to answer the question, what is it that I really 'know', beyond the shadow of doubt, that I would live an' die by..........more than a noble proclamation or any of my best wishful thinkin'................

..........so far, it boils down to, "I know there is a God, higher than I........... an' I am not Him".:)
my belief in reincarnation stems muchly from what my mom has told me.

mainly dealing with this:
those killed in the world wars came back as the baby-boomers -- largely anti-war, because war had killed them in their previous life.

that may not seem like much, especially to base a large part of a certain belief on... but it just... makes a LOT of sense to me.

there are a few other situations, too.
such as a dream my mom had as a child, and something i said, also as a child:
my brother (jjr512) was talking about the nobel prize.
suddenly, i said, "I won a Nobel Prize".
keep in mind, that this was at a very young age when construction of that sentence should have been highly unlikely.
mom, having heard of such occurances, asked me where i lived, hoping to get more out of my past life.

sadly, it seems the moment had passed, as i could only respond with, and i quote:
"Blue Airplane Woods".


my religious beliefs also involve reincarnation, but most of the reason i believe in that are based on what i'd known or felt even before becoming Wiccan.
I've been brought up on the conceept that everything you do eventually comes back to you, but just a little bit more, sortta magnified if you will. And not sure if it's because I believe in it or what, but in my life, I've seen it work like that :shrug:
ash r said:
my belief in reincarnation stems muchly from what my mom has told me.
I just remembered something my mom and I were talking about the other day with regard to reincarnation and birthmarks of all things.

Apparently the belief is that where ever you have a birth mark is where you were killed (died of unnatural causes, like burning at a stake ;) ) last previous life... but for those of you without birthmarks, it just means that you lived a full life before this one, and died of natural causes (heart attack as it were)


*mutters into background*