Fate or fallacy

This is my own appreciation of Karma, and not necessarily matches that of books.

Karma is like action and reaction, if you do something good you're not only doing the good to somebody else you are doing it to you, somehow an inner love grows inside you.

On the other hand, if you do bad or desire bad things, negative feelings grows inside you and around you. The subject of your bad feelings might answer with bad feelings towards you making it worse.

I also believe karma is like a fall, and we should be able to stop bad things to propagate by forgiving, understanding and helping your significant other.

(it is far more complex in my mind, but that's the only way i could say it)
That's about how I feel about it, Luis. Do good things and you feel good... Perhaps not necessarily caused by some unseen force, it could just be coincidence or that the loop of doing good things comes around back to you (e.g. you do a good deed for person 1 which knows person 2 and is helped by what you did, and that person in turn is able to help person 3 which ends up helping you with something). However, it could be an unseen force. There's no way to know, that's kind of why it's unseen.

As I have only "seen" God, or an image accompanied by sound which I interpreted collectively as God (long story, and kind of depressing, ask later), he's the only "unseen force" I believe to exist. I haven't had the opportunity to see karma as a tangible item yet. Therefore, I'm only really certain about two things karma could be explained as - uncanny coincidence, or what goes around comes around.
Luis, I've seen too many complete assholes succeed by stepping on other people to accept this explanation. I always assumed that was why the Hindus (they invented the concept) said that you would be paid back in your next life. If it makes you feel better, though, most non-Hindu and non-Buddhists understand it just as you explain it.
fury, it isn't good or bad, ash has a good grasp of the Hindu idea of karma:
something that just is.
ash r said:
karma is a force.
it's difficult to describe.
it's just... something that's there, something that just is.

What "force"?

I know ash, forgive my chided sense of humor but, I jus' find it a bit 'funny', (in a sad sense), that no one seems to know what the hell "IT" is, yet they don't hesitate to align themselves with "IT". Jus' that, "ITS" out there, somewhere............even willin' to stake their future lives on "IT".

Only wonderin' why those who do, cannot seem to find any greater sense of peace in their lives, only left with the same age-old questions that 'ave plagued mankind since 'is inception.......I'm not so different really, 'frail', unable to find sufficiency within my own abilities. Constantly hopin' my all efforts will 'somehow' be "enough", only, I know it won't be.

I jus' accept someone elses efforts as "enough".

Not laughin'..............weepin' really.:(
chcr, i don't believe in next lives
No one says you have to, but the concept of karma says that that's when you'll get your reward or punishment. I'm really not trying to rain on anyones parade here, but a belief in karma implies a belief in reincarnatation. Please note, however, that I don't believe in either one. Or any of the other religions for that matter.

75renegade, the point I was trying to make is that karma is not defined by good or bad, it simply exists (in the minds of believers). See, if you were a jerk, and karma existed, that would be a bad thing for you.
chcr said:
75renegade, the point I was trying to make is that karma is not defined by good or bad, it simply exists (in the minds of believers). See, if you were a jerk, and karma existed, that would be a bad thing for you.

Careful chcr, I AM a jerk sometimes (all too often, I'm afraid), an' its always a bad thing for me.........better to be more acceptin' of the selfish choices of my fellow man, as "natural" as my own, an' press on, to try to love 'em all the more! (with a lotta help ofcourse)

So what is it that YOU believe? (darest ya say it in this 'public' rhealm?)
So what is it that YOU believe?

I also did not mean to offend you in any way, I was simply trying to clarify my point. I do in fact understand karma, I just don't believe in it. Actually, I'm an atheist. I believe that all religious beliefs stem from a basic need to abrogate responsibility. Now, I'm not denigrating your beliefs, you asked me to state mine. I don't expect friends, relatives or acquaintances to believe the same things that I do, and I expect the same courtesy from them. I am frequently quite pleased to discuss my beliefs with others, although I lose patience from time to time. This is a personal failing on my part, and should not be construed as a personal attack. I hope this clarifies things some, as you can see I tend to ramble.:)
hehehe, i'm an atheist, but somehow i believe in my version of karma :D
freako104 said:
75renegade said:
What or who is this so-called Karma? I have no idea what that means.

here is the super simple way. What goes around comes around

Thanks freako! Dunno if ya know it or care to, but that is Biblical as well.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". (an') "what so ever a man sows, that shall he also reap"

I do try to live by that. Its perfectly true, in spite of my own denial of it, at times. Sometimes, I'm jus' too arrogant to accept the reality of the principle. God help me too!:)