Father's day


Southern Discomfort
K. You know what's coming.

What in bloody Hell do you do for the dad who has absofrigginlutely EVERYTHING he could ever conceivably want, need, or think of?

The ol' man:

* does not wear ties
* does not read for pleasure
* engages in no real hobbies
* putters endlessly amidst a scatalogical assortment of tools, gadgets, projects, and what have you, cataloged in his own uncrackable code of manly order, foreign to any established means of identity
* the last gift I gave him (birthday) sits precisely where he left it, and will be there 10 years from now unless my mother moves it out of the spot. It was something he said he would like to have.

I plan to spend time with him, which I know he enjoys, but still...ya wanna do something for him and hope that he likes it.

Cantankerous old so and so...:D
He eats the blandest food possible. I was gonna do a cookout, but various schedules forbid it.

He likes to fish but claims his back hurts too much.

He is not what I would call a music fan. If I got him a CD or something, he'd lay it on a toolbox and three days later would have no recollection of it or how to play it.

He is the original puttering old man. He goes out to his little shed at 7AM, and comes inside at dark. Mom takes him a sandwich if she sees him home around lunchtime. Otherwise, he's happily occupied.
OK, then, tools. Not hand tools, but nicer stuff. Could he use a nailgun? Bench grinder? Sander?

YOu get the idea.
Get him laid.

But seriously, why even bother trying for a gift? You both know that it's irrelevant. Your time, and that you gave a damn enough to spend the time is all that ever matters.
HomeLAN said:
OK, then, tools. Not hand tools, but nicer stuff. Could he use a nailgun? Bench grinder? Sander?

YOu get the idea.

He's retired tool and dye. You cannot name a tool, hand or power, he does not have half a dozen of, some still shrink wrapped.

Unc said:
How about an electronic clock stuffed with gizmos? He can nail it up in the shed and keep up on the time, humidity, barometric pressure, rain predictions,... http://www.lawsonwatch.com/lawifosttida.html

That's a thought...

Prof said:
But seriously, why even bother trying for a gift? You both know that it's irrelevant. Your time, and that you gave a damn enough to spend the time is all that ever matters.

I tell myself that too. Sounds like a copout though.

I'll definately spend the time with him...that's a given. Just wanna do something else with it.

What he wants more than anything else is a grandson. :errrr:
I'm 6 years away from my release date on this conviction, not sure I want to restart another 18 year sentence this close to parole eligibility...
booze? my dad is going to end up with a nice bottle of wine, cause I know he's a fan of it. Just a thought though, didn't know if he drinks or not.
Send your daughter with a questions like "Gramps...can you show me how to make a <insert something really complicated and complex here>?"

Just the chance to show off his tools to some new blood might stop him from asking for a son.
I've taken to subscribing to magazines for my dad, giving him a card with that written in it, plus a copy of the magazine I got. I get crossword ones cause he likes those and won't splurge on them for himself, but...whatever your dad likes if he likes anything at all. If yours won't read, at least there's purty pictures to look at on the can.

General admission movie tickets, take him out for dinner, take him to a car/tool/whatever he likes show? Those are cool cause a) you get to go too and b) you spend time together you otherwise wouldn't.

Rob's barometer thingie is a good idea. Then he could REALLY talk about the weather and his arthritis. :eyemouth: I really love mine, it was my grampas, then my dads.

My ex-father in law hates everything, so he started getting nothing after a few years of that shit.
SouthernN'Proud said:
He goes out to his little shed at 7AM, and comes inside at dark. Mom takes him a sandwich if she sees him home around lunchtime.
One of them tiny beer fridge things - he can keep pop and snackies in there.
Leslie said:
One of them tiny beer fridge things - he can keep pop and snackies in there.

HEY, now THAT sounds like a winner! He is a Pepsi fiend, and he could save himself trips to the house...
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm 6 years away from my release date on this conviction, not sure I want to restart another 18 year sentence this close to parole eligibility...

But think of the new techniques you learned from your daughter...:grinyes:
SouthernN'Proud said:
HEY, now THAT sounds like a winner! He is a Pepsi fiend, and he could save himself trips to the house...
And mom won't have to see him so much :laugh:
As one of my wife's relatives said on her husband's retirement -

"It's for better or for worse. Not for lunch."
HomeLAN said:
OK, then, tools. Not hand tools, but nicer stuff. Could he use a nailgun? Bench grinder? Sander?

YOu get the idea.

SouthernN'Proud said:
He's retired tool and dye. You cannot name a tool, hand or power, he does not have half a dozen of, some still shrink wrapped.
Then He'd probably really like the 'perishables', like black-tape, wd40, oil....