favorite 2002 moments ...

Best moments, Katie saying she loves me. :)

Worst moment, the death of a very dear friend. Apart from that it's been a very nondescript year. Sad, but nondescript.
So damned few...

July 19th.
Vacation on St George Island with family and friends.

It's been a tough year, but next year's going to be much better. :)
Spending good times with my kids.
Spending good times here.
Spending great times with my wife.
driving my car 700mi. to SD on a dying head gasket to go climbing. :headbang::headbang::(
leaving the UofM :headbang:
getting rid of windows :headbang:
OTC :headbang::headbang::headbang:

Last year was awesome (<insert political idiot> hasn't gotten us killed yet), next year will only get better. Rock on bitches! :headbang:
Kricky, favourite moments... um...

All the good times, (and bad times) spent with my friends.
Love found and lost.
The GOOD music that came out this year...

Oh yes, and ofcourse:

Being able to become friends with my ex after we broke up cause we make great friends but made a horrible couple.

My date last night because it seems like it hasthe potential to go somewhere special. New year, new man, it's all good.
finding a pair of striped tights that fit me, even if it meant putting a big hole in them to accommidate my tum.

getting a rubber ducky, and a cute lil stuffed bat,

getting my afi cds,

talking to ben,

getting close with my good friends, even realising how lost i'd be without some of them,

and... one of my definite favorites was getting together with many family members i'd not seen since i was about six, getting to know them, talking to them, etc....
even if it did take the death of my grandfather to bring us together again. but i know my granpa is happier now, he suffers no longer. that makes me happy, as well. :headbang:
Meetin' my Bride-to-be, come june 14th!

Continuing my friendship with my good friend from work, who is unafraid to tell me when he thinks I'm wrong, an yet loves me still!

Spendin' time with my Momma an' my family 200 mls. south.

Given a hand of help to my friend who is losin' everything he has in this world, an' facin' a scary unknown future beyond it all.

The few times that I had the courage to be honest with myself an' others, which served to move me positively forward on the little journey that I call life.:)
the girl in Salisbury(never met)
cheerleader that let me hang out with her
my job
my school
getting my grades(although that was 2003)
tool concert on october5(or was that 2001?)
actully getting hired
my friends
my family the latter two are always my fave things in the world.
my multimedia course's UT LAN tournament (i kicked butt) and term-end party (incredibly good times), metal music discoveries throughout the year, first "real" job, all the family moments, and of course LOTR
I can honestly say that I have no good memories of 2002. I'm just glad it's over. And good ridance to it.
I have not many good memories either...it was the shittiest year ever for me. :(
halamikage said:
Hey Na, was your sister's wedding not another highlight or was it just a light? :D

ku'u is right .. I was too drunk ... and it was a great moment of 2002 cause even though I was drunk and was wearing a lot of undergear, I looked good all night long :D
Ted plowing through snowdifts of wrapping paper at Christmas
A huge promotion and raise in April
Ted learning to yell "Daddy!" when I get home at night.
It still freaks me out that he even calls me out by name when I go over ... even the two week hiatus over Christmas break didn't vape me from his short term memory banks.