Favorite Movies? Least Favorite?


Well-Known Member
:hmm: Here are the ones that I can recall...

Not in any particular order:

The Passion of the Christ
Kiss the Girls
The Ten Commandments
The Star Wars Hexology
LOTR Trilogy
The Godfather Trilogy
Batman Begins
Boys Town
Schindler's List
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Exorcist


Dave said:
which version did you see? the theatrical release or the directors edition?
two completly different endings. it made the difference between an ok movie and a good one IMO.

It was probably the theatrical release, not sure though. But it wasn't the ending I didn't like. It just felt like the story was patched together. A lot of the stuff they showed him doing as a kid didn't make any sense to me, even after it was explained later on in the movie. After awhile I started to feel like the director was going along, and, "Crap, I forgot to explain why he was holding a knife in the kitchen as a kid. Quick, let's put something together!"

*shimmer to past, returns to present* Kutchner: "Ok, that didn't work."

Me: "Umm... so they showed him as a kid with a knife to freak me out, but couldn't come up with anything better to explain it than a screwed up trip into the past?"

I really like the concept, I just ended up disappointed in the delivery.