Favorite Star Trek?

What is your favorite Star Trek?

  • The Original Series

    Votes: 15 100.0%
  • The Next Generation

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Deep Space Nine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Voyager

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Enterprise

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The Next Generation started out incredibly lame. It had all the markings of a namby-pamby, politically correct morality play. At some point in the second or third season, though, it began to shape up into something better. The characters became more fleshed out, more heroic. Troi stopped telling us how she 'felt' all the time. Worf let his hair grow out and ditched that ridiculous pageboy. The captain stopped sounding like such a freaking socialist, and started sounding more like a leader of the free world (or galaxy). In short, [John Cleese voice]it got better.[/John Cleese voice]

My favorite episode bar none is I, Borg. A Borg discovers his individuality!!! I was absolutely blown away... tears, I had great big, wet tears in my eyes watching that scene between Hugh and the Captain. That was good television.

:borg: "Resistance is not futile."
TNG, without question. I would though, should I write an episode, kill that ass-licker Riker. Never liked that character.
TNG! :headbang:

Incidentally, this is the very topic that put the total (total existing topics, excluding those that have been deleted) at 2000! :headbang:
I own the first three seasons on DVD:




Here is the next one, to be released September 3:

TNG also. Patrick Stewart :conehead: and Brent Spiner :aheadbng: really brought a touch of class.

I voted for Enterprise though, since it's just started and I've enjoyed every episode so far. :)
Here it's just started. Of course, I have seen all the episodes already through *ahem* other means. :D

Can't wait to *ahem* obtain some season 2 episodes. ;)
I voted TNG. I really liked the original series, but the plots weren't as good most of the time.

I like Enterprise, but it's too early to declare it a favorite.

I like Voyager too... but there's too much bad acting there. Though, I think its storyline is the best so far, and I really like the developments plot-wise with the Borg et al. Oh, and Jerri Ryan is fine.

Still, had to go TNG in the end, simply due to acting. Patrick Stewart is one of my favorites, and Brent Spiner is great as well. Oh, and that reading ranbow dude... :D
Thanks to the idiocy of the local affiliates, I am unable to get the major networks on my satellite. So far, I've only seen one episode of Enterprise, and that was the pilot. I thought it was pretty good for a first episode, but I can't judge the entire series by it. (If I were going to do that, TNG would be at the bottom of my list. I absolutely hated Encounter at Farpoint.)
dude, the channels are there.....you just need to descramble those, i'm sure somebody in your city knows how to build one of those boxes.

or if you're a legal guy i guess you can go to another city and ask for a unscramble box to decode such channels.
Yes I got all of them on hard disk too :) But I watch them on TV first... the SVCD images usually appear 2 days later.
Ards, if you have Dish, get the superstation package, it's WB, UPN & local from LA, Boston, NY & Denver. That's where my kids watches most of his cartoons & most other non-network shows can be found on one or more of them, including Enterprise. We also get the networks, both coasts, because we, ahem, live too close to the TV towers ( a couple of miles:D )& were allowed. Local sux here. Nice to watch all the Raider games every year.
Star Trek Voyager gets my vote :cool:

I really liked the later series of TNG, but I didn't follow the plot as closely as Voyagers. I like the range of events and the freshness of the plot in Voyager, not to mention Jeri Ryan or the lovely "Kes" ;)


The annoying thing is they took it off the air here before the series even ended! I don't even think we came close :grumpy:

I found DS9 boring. I mean there's only so much plot that can happen in one space station. I'm trying to get into Enterprise now, but hopefully the action picks up a bit.

Sorry, no nipples in pics - Luis G

Recognise this scantly clad Vulcan? ;)
I never watched more than 10 episodes of StarTrek...didn't really like them at all.

*hides for all the shouting and kicking*
*stands up again*


*hides again*
I like Voyageur and TNG and Enterpise. I voted enterprise though, I LOVE it!

LL: *hyperventalating* when did season 2 start? *nervous that maybe she missed some episodes* OMG! AH! when did it start?

I think brainsoft (my b/f) may have the last episode of Voyageur if you would like to DL it. I can ask him... [whispering]I think I see nipple on T'Pal[/whispering]
I voted DSN, because Capt. Sisko was a 'take no prisoners' kind of captain. He was direct, brave, and commited to his causes. Not too much 'PC' crap, like TNG. Voyager was too much like 'Lost In Space' without the comic relief, and I've only seen 3 episodes of Enterprise...