Well-Known Member
More regulations. Governmetn contol. Same thing.
What if some major cities decide tomorrow to completely outlaw semi's on their streets (not just to truck routes)? Or limit to one truck can enter per hour. You're too noisy, too big, and cause too much traffic congestion. Your customers can no longer use you to deliver to every market. Their customers (the residents of these cities) don't have a choice but to not use your customers' services which have been deemed unnecessary by the city.
The consumer who is paying for the ability to have streets via taxes cannot fully utilize all available goods and services, but they did not opt-in to have this problem. It also costs too much to maintain long streets to the big box retailers, so they'll discourage that by only offering a gravel road to them. Google would be like the WalMarts or Home Depots, relying on a good street to make the most profit (both for customer traffic and distribution traffic).
Guess you could just keep moving to another city (ISP).