Fear and paranoia; virtues of the modern conservative?

[satire]Somehow from what I've seen of you here Cerise, these are my mental images....


Cerise greeting company at her home?


The one treasured piece of art hanging on her wall?


Some kinfolk?


Average bachelor menfolk in the small Appalachian village?[/satire]
Do you have some kind of obsession?

First it's jimpeel, now it's me........you should really have that looked at before it gets out of control.
You know the difference between Jimpeel and you Cerise?

Let me preface by saying this is my actual honest opinion.

Jim, much as I disagree with a lot of his politics and beliefs about the world, seems like an intelligent and nice enough guy, who is capable or reason, and probably would be a good neighbor friend or aquaintance outside of politics and discussion thereof.

You, well, not so much....
Once again, the liberal mindset attacks that which s/he disagrees instead of proving fault.
Well he can't be talking to me since I am a centrist. Still post #17 shows clearly that conservatives resort to distortions, lies, and half truths to spread fear amongst those susceptible to it. Six in one half dozen in the other as I see it.
Oh and by the way the ONLY person with credible sources of actual study in this entire thread is, well it's me!

I can't help it if you let the truth hurt you.
Well he can't be talking to me since I am a centrist. Still post #17 shows clearly that conservatives resort to distortions, lies, and half truths to spread fear amongst those susceptible to it. Six in one half dozen in the other as I see it.


Your true political self:

You are best described as a:


And with that affirmation it's no wonder you don't like:

Liberals do not have principles, except for their dedication to stealing production of conservatives and undermining principled references such as the Bible and Constitution. They are never in doubt on an issue because they always do whatever is best for them without regard to others. They have no standard of reference. Liberals do not give to charity. They cultivate the poor like a cat cultivates a field of mice. They use the poor as voters and give them a portion of stolen tax money which they vote away from conservatives.


Liberals argue, not to show the value of an idea, but to show the value of themselves, either to the other person, or to some other observer. They either want to “prove” their superiority or the other person’s inferiority (or more often both). Rationality simply isn’t required as long as they can feel good about themselves in the end.

No where is liberal egotism more evident than in the way they argue and debate though....That’s why debate with them so often devolves into personal attacks, attacks on the credibility of opposing sources, claims of bigotry, denial and evasion, and any number of other tactics which do nothing to advance their argument. All of these are psychological defense mechanisms.

Oh and by the way the ONLY person with credible sources of actual study in this entire thread is, well it's me!

"Look what I can do!"

First of all Cerise, obviously your reading comprehension is pretty poor since in the political quiz thread I said:

Actually the test has a bug....IF you go back to change an answer after further consideration it screws the pooch! Here is what my actual score should have been:

stupid online test said:
Social Liberal
(60% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(41% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. (Glad to see this has not changed I was kind of worried!)

And, again the quotes you quote, of yourself, are pure fiction, and you know it, since you are afraid even to give a source. Wake me when you have anything of value or any substance at all, to say (fat chance of that EVER happening).
I watched rush on fox.
They've black out most of the day...anywhere.:(


".....those of you listening at home during my first address to the nation, you have never heard a lberal democrat be made fun of...GET USED TO IT!!!"

"It is not the task of a politician to remake America!"

"It is not their right to remake this nation to reflect their psychology."

What was scheduled for 20 minutes turned into an hour and a half speech.

I can't wait for 0bama's democrat response.......
First of all Cerise, obviously your reading comprehension is pretty poor since in the political quiz thread I said:

So, you're saying it didn't turn out how you wanted it to so you changed the way you answered a couple of questions until the results looked O.K.? Pretty weak.

And, again the quotes you quote, of yourself, are pure fiction, and you know it, since you are afraid even to give a source. Wake me when you have anything of value or any substance at all, to say (fat chance of that EVER happening).

Why would I "quote myself"? :rolleyes:

Oh, and look, the "author's" assertions are correct:

"Liberals argue, not to show the value of an idea, but to show the value of themselves, either to the other person, or to some other observer. They either want to “prove” their superiority or the other person’s inferiority (or more often both). Rationality simply isn’t required as long as they can feel good about themselves in the end.

"No where is liberal egotism more evident than in the way they argue and debate though....That’s why debate with them so often devolves into personal attacks, attacks on the credibility of opposing sources, claims of bigotry, denial and evasion, and any number of other tactics which do nothing to advance their argument. All of these are psychological defense mechanisms."

Since your quotes are not sourced I can only assume you are quoting yourself. Even if they were sourced they are still, FICTION! I was not trying to change the result of the political quiz, my mouse was on the clicky thing and without any real consideration I had wanted to change just one or at most two answers because these questions have answers provided that do not easily or accurately represent my positions. Unfortunately I clicked and tried to use the back button. I suspected it would skew the test, so I took it over carefully considering each question as if I hadn't taken it before and sure enough it changed albeit only slightly.

cerise pulls her shit from fringe right wing propaganda sites. don't bother. you might as well try to teach a tree frog to do algebra.
rJ said:
Average bachelor menfolk in the small Appalachian village

you got something against apalachian people? rural people? non-urbanites?

besides being a raving liberal that is. we all know libs hate non-urbanites