Fear and paranoia; virtues of the modern conservative?


Sat"ire\ (?; in Eng. often ?; 277), n. [L. satira, satura, fr. satura (sc. lanx) a dish filled with various kinds of fruits, food composed of various ingredients, a mixture, a medley, fr. satur full of food, sated, fr. sat, satis, enough: cf. F. satire. See Sate, Sad, a., and cf. Saturate.]

1. A composition, generally poetical, holding up vice or folly to reprobation; a keen or severe exposure of what in public or private morals deserves rebuke; an invective poem; as, the Satires of Juvenal.

2. Keeness and severity of remark; caustic exposure to reprobation; trenchant wit; sarcasm.

Syn: Lampoon; sarcasm; irony; ridicule; pasquinade; burlesque; wit; humor.
I was going to save this for when jimpeel could respond, but I see you seem to need it now, so here goes:

This post was somewhat of a humorous test I played on the conservatives of the board. You see I know what these studies actually say. I hold no illusions at all about it. On the surface they would appear to be unflattering to conservatives, and perhaps there is something to how that were written which enhances that appearance. I admit I wanted to see you kneejerk and squirm, and you've not dissapointed!

The thing is though, I knew that the Conservatives would stop there, it just about says as much in the research!

Arizona Daily Star said:
....Some of the traits associated with right-wingers in that review were decidedly unflattering, including fear, aggression, tolerance of inequality, and lack of complexity in their thinking.....

But see it's not that conservatives are absolutely incapable of complex thinking, nothing of the sort. It is just that on average they exhibit that tendency. You did what comes naturally a knee-jerk reaction based on your fears and the tendency not to think it though!

What this study really says is that conservatives can be over cautious, and over fearful, or they can also be wisely guarded or shrewd and careful and cautious, yet decisive (there are definitely times and places where these latter qualities are indispensable). Where it also says liberals can be bold and think outside the box, handle changes and complex thinking, it also implies that liberals can be brash, reckless, and unthinking about possible consequences. It shows a tendency toward sometimes over thinking issues and as a result being "wishy-washy", or indecisive.

This can only draw me to one conclusion, after careful consideration:

“For the species to survive, you need both,”

So stop knee jerking and slow down and consider what is being said a little, and you will find it serves you well!

No just idiots, and being as you can't seem to read I won't even bother to explain why you qualify as such.

I read most of the first post I replied to quickly ... and this is my first revisit of this thread. To be honest, I didn't do more than scan the next couple of 'tripe' and basically ignored the rest when I gathered they were just more of the same.

Frankly, if this entire thread was nothing more than a fishing expedition for your personal amusement ... my opinion of you drops significantly. I had classed you as one of the more intelligent posters at the moment. Evidently i judged too soon.
Well judge it as you like Professur, and yeah I had some slightly mean spirited fun, but I also wanted to see the "proof in the pudding". Call it a "mini informal science project". The reaction I got from some conservatives proves the very research itself! I wasn't sure if it would be quite like it was, but I did suspect, and my suspicions proved true. I also knew I was going to end like I did if it went like it did, explaining, that as I see it, like it or not, I have good reason to value the opposition, and the opposition had good reasons for the same.

BTW, I have almost NO mental picture at all of Cerise, where she lives, what she does. As a matter of fact I rarely consider that information at all until I have some rapport with a person and know them a bit and get the knowledge first hand. Until a personal relationship develops, everyone online to me is a "random jackass" with an opinion The hillbilly post was a rather rude joke at Cerise's expense, and meant to be humorous in a sarcastic way for those of us of a different mindset. If it offended anyone, know that it is not my actual belief, and I apologize if anyone took me literally or seriously.
No just idiots, and being as you can't seem to read I won't even bother to explain why you qualify as such.

whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, pal. i think i know hatred when i see it. its usually accompanied by name calling. ring any bells?

welcome to the club. you would be number three so far
Man one thing I can say about 'peel is this place sure seems like a dead ghost town without him! I'm sure he had some real life to do, I just hope it was happy planned stuff and not unexpected pain in the ass stuff.
We DO need diverse opinions, and ideas.
I don't like um all, but we need not kill objectivity.
Well I have to admit catocom, that you do seem to be, among the conservatives here, the most level headed and open minded. If I disagree with your positions I definitely feel that you actually give thought to what others say rather than dismiss it out of hand. I try to do that myself, but I fear that I am not as adept at it as you might be.
Diverse idea are needed & wanted. All sides of the argument shoud be presented. That is why the RW is a free speech zone. No matter how wrong you are, you are allowed to say it & we're all allowed to show you you're wrong.

Of course, when you see the light, we'll welcome you with open arms.
Yep...what do you think?
think it needs to be simplified for aesthetics, but yeah, that's fine.

but it seems a little off for you. perhaps an army boot crushing a hippie's head would be more your style?
Diverse idea are needed & wanted. All sides of the argument shoud be presented. That is why the RW is a free speech zone. No matter how wrong you are, you are allowed to say it & we're all allowed to show you you're wrong.

Of course, when you see the light, we'll welcome you with open arms.

lol classic gonz.:lol2:
As soon as the bosses of the blue helmets quit trying to overrule our Constitution, they'll be ok.