
me: math, programming.
others: trustfull, not stingy, honest.

Or that's what i've been told.
Definetely my ass.

Seriously.... my ass.

Just kidding.

My ability to communicate & mediate.

I don't know what others would say.
As for me, I'm not vain enough to have a best feature, by my own opinion. But others seem to like the look of my shoulders and ass. Everyone always seems to enjoy watching as I leave the room.
i like all of me! but especially my legs and eyes.
i dont get many compliments on my body (tho, recently, a certain someone told me i'm "one hot mama":love: ), but other people/friends have also complimented my legs and eyes.
i'm a big girl... not fat, just big :) and cuddlyyyy
My wife says I have a nice Ass. :blush: She likes something else too, but I ain't saying what. I've always liked my eyes.
Professur said:
Everyone always seems to enjoy watching as I leave the room.
You sure that's not from relief more than from watching your ass? :p

My best feature? I dunno, I guess my legs are kinda strong. If I try real hard I can press 1500 lbs. They're not very durable though. I kill them after mowing my lawn...
Fury, you cannot press 1500lbs. Noone on the fucking planet can press that. You might manage that on an inclined bench, where the real weight and apparent weight are miles apart.
Well I think I have nice eyes

Others well I haven't a clue because I'm too shallow to care....j/k but seriously I'm really not sure maybe I'll have to ask around.
Prof, he meant leg press, where you're sitting down at a 45-degree angle leaned back, and you push the weight up a 45-degree incline with your legs. It works your leg muscles much the same way as squats do, without as much risk to your back.
My best features are my eyes.

Others think my best feature is my bald head, right, GF?