
Aunty Em said:
... especially since they started heading for the floor about 5 years back... I've given up fighting gravity!

Ever tried one of those cigarette-girl trays? :D

Seriously, though, I'd be willing to hold them up for you...:brow:
chcr said:
Gato_Solo said:
Ever tried one of those cigarette-girl trays?

You sir, are decidedly evil. :rofl3:

I am not. I'm just stuck here, in the land where they cut body parts off for having sex, so I take my fantasies where I can get them. :grumpy: :D
lets see for me i dont have too many good qualities but i try to be caring and funny and loyal.

others have said they like my tats,my hair, my style of clothes and for some odd reason they like my eyes.
Inkara1 said:
Prof, he meant leg press, where you're sitting down at a 45-degree angle leaned back, and you push the weight up a 45-degree incline with your legs. It works your leg muscles much the same way as squats do, without as much risk to your back.
Close, it was actually sitting at a 90 degree angle, with the weights going horizontal. I tried 600 (about twice my weight at the time) first and did it easy as pie, then went straight for the maximum of the equipment which was 1500. Couldn't do it more than once though. Kinda hurt :D
Aunty Em said:
Er... what are they, or sholudn't I ask?

my tattoos. i mentioned them earlier somewhere in here. i have 3 now. i have an ankh with a pentacle in the middle with blue on top for water, green for earth,red for fire and white for air and yellow for the holy spirit(god and goddess if you will) in each triangle, and a celtic knot i got from a zeppelin album and my newest one is from marilyn mansons antichrsit superstar.
Was that the one where the feet are fixed with the upper body being the moblie mechanism? Or was it the one where the seat is fixed and its the leg press part that moved?