Federal Air Marshal fires weapon on plane in Miami airport


New Member
A weapon was fired on an American Airlines plane as it was on the runway at Miami International Airport on Wednesday, authorities confirmed. The weapon was apparently fired by a federal air marshal on board the plane, which was on a stopover during a flight from Medellin, Colombia, to Orlando, Florida, police said.
"Just a little reminder from your local Air Marshals that "yes, we are on your plane.", "yes, we are heavily armed." and "yes, we will use those arms at the first hint of a reason.". Thank you for your attention."
Apparently, he said he had a bomb. He was either a really stupid terrorist (he did it at the damned gate) or it was suicide by cop.
HomeLAN said:
or it was suicide by cop.
That's my assumption at this point.

That would be good for everybody.....
He got what he wanted, and we get a chance to test the system. :lol2:
Another piece of the puzzle...some guy who is 'off his meds'...why did I know that was coming...:rolleyes: Once again we have a person causing no end of grief and, when the hammer falls, they claim to be 'off their medication'. I know we've had this discussion before, but I have no sympathy for the victim or his widow, because if she knew he was off his meds, then why didn't she trick him into taking them? If he ran out, why did he wait until he was out to come home?
Clearly another case of excessive force, those darned evil Air Marshals.

What is this country coming too?

Seems you can't you act all insane and scream that you have a bomb
while flailing about, on an airliner without some cop shootin' you?!?

I'm certain this is a direct result of the Bush administrations' mishandling of the war in Iraq

I smell 'lawsuit'!
Winky said:
Clearly another case of excessive force, those darned evil Air Marshals.

What is this country coming too?

Seems you can't you act all insane and scream that you have a bomb
while flailing about, on an airliner without some cop shootin' you?!?

I'm certain this is a direct result of the Bush administrations' mishandling of the war in Iraq

I smell 'lawsuit'!
I dunno Wink....
You're the only one I hear saying it right now...even if sarcastically. :alienhuh:
We'll see though...
Winky said:
and what about the blown up the luggage, Jebus!
I hope somebody got some footage of that.
That'd be funny as hell to see some underware flying through the air. :rofl3:
I hope with all my power that, on my next flight & every flight my family is ever on, I hope that particular air marshall is on board.

Well done & thanks.
I'm wondering what was in the exploded luggage that set the dogs off.

Bipolar or not...there are certain words that you don't use on airplanes or near them.

Bomb is #1 - even if the chick in seat D40 is da bomb!
Highjack is #2
Kidnap is #3
I'll kill you is #4
I hate Bush is #5 ;)
MrBishop said:
I'm wondering what was in the exploded luggage that set the dogs off.

Bipolar or not...there are certain words that you don't use on airplanes or near them.

Bomb is #1 - even if the chick in seat D40 is da bomb!
Highjack is #2
Kidnap is #3
I'll kill you is #4
I hate Bush is #5 ;)

Suprise, suprise.
all I know is that when goign through the security checkpoint when thay ask if they can see somethign you jsut say yes.

one of my flights I asked the guy "don't you want to check my laptop" cause they always did before, his response "nah we only spot check those, I guess you looked untrustworthy"
paul_valaru said:
all I know is that when goign through the security checkpoint when thay ask if they can see somethign you jsut say yes.

one of my flights I asked the guy "don't you want to check my laptop" cause they always did before, his response "nah we only spot check those, I guess you looked untrustworthy"

We check every laptop that comes through. If it's a really hot chick, we tend to lean towards BCS's...