final straw


New Member
i'm curious to know when other people decide to end a friendship...what is the final thing that makes you write off someone completely?
I've only written two people off in my life. The first was a childhood friend who made some anti-Semitic comments and then also turned out to be extremely conservative (politically). The other friend was actually someone I deeply loved who broke up with me. I wasn't capable then of "just being friends" and have no interest now. :shrug:
I've only abandoned one person in my life...

she made two people I liked beyond belief hate me, she betrayed about three or four of my friends, she was always causing trouble, and lastly, she told me that if I continued to be friends with the people I was friends with, she would no longer be my friend.

so I just stated a simple 'okay' and never talked to her again

she was very stupid.
Professur said:
Am I the only one who'll lay into someone for betrayal or theft. Then call it even?

Nope. I'm still friends with some of those folks. Sure, they had to win it back, but I'm not one to hold a grudge.
Sounds good.

I tend to forget about things pretty easily. Only reason I've ever shut anybody out of my life was because they were damned boring.. heheh.
Professur said:
Am I the only one who'll lay into someone for betrayal or theft. Then call it even?

Nope......if anyone pisses on me chips......then yer can guarantee that I'll shit on their kebab :elaugh4:

Yup....I agree with all of the above....betrayal, deception, theft and wotnot................but in all honesty......a lot of my friendships have ended through much lesser things........changes in lifestyle (a lot of me mates are doing the "marriage and anklebiters" gig at the mo').......a lot moved to different areas (which doesn't kill a friendship....but the nature of the friendship changes when yer only see someone every couple of years)......and, of course, boredom.....eventually yer just stop having stuff in common with some folks :)
Oz said:
but in all honesty......a lot of my friendships have ended through much lesser things........changes in lifestyle (a lot of me mates are doing the "marriage and anklebiters" gig at the mo').......a lot moved to different areas (which doesn't kill a friendship....but the nature of the friendship changes when yer only see someone every couple of years)......and, of course, boredom.....eventually yer just stop having stuff in common with some folks :)

True enough. As I've gotten older my circle of friends has gotten smaller for the very reasons you mention. I suppose it becomes a conscious decision on both sides not to call or write, until the next divorce/death/marriage has you thinking how is old so-and-so doing?

As for the people I've abruptly cut out of my life, I have no regrets.
The biggest thing for me has been the change in lifestyle. I seem to being doing the perennial student thing, and a lot of my friends are getting married, and having kids - we just don't have much in common anymore. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm the laziest person this side of the equator, and can't be bothered following up on so-and-so's latest bit of offspring gossip. :shrug:
so can any of you completely understand what drove them to do what they did? does that have a part in your decision? can you both understand them and despise them for it at the same time?
tonks said:
so can any of you completely understand what drove them to do what they did? does that have a part in your decision? can you both understand them and despise them for it at the same time?

The childhood friend? What drives anyone to be a bigot? Or politically conservative? I told her I no longer wanted to see her, and she couldn't understand why I let politics get in the way of our friendship. I don't despise her, we were close for 15 years.:shrug: