final straw

5 year long friend accidently broke my Tennis Racket once and didn't apologize...forgot about him completely untill he made an effort to jumpstart the friendship again.

I don't forgive and I never forget. Takes little to nothing for me to forget about someone.
tonks said:
so can any of you completely understand what drove them to do what they did? does that have a part in your decision? can you both understand them and despise them for it at the same time?
yes, in general I can, even the worst ones I understand as much as can be understood. However, I can never forget, nor let that someone back into my safety circle once they're out.
I've had friends(and family) betray me, steal from me, break stuff and never aplogize, borrow mounds of cash and pretend that it never happend, get stood up, offer the labor of my back 100 times in moves and whatnot and rarely ever been helped back in like kind... but they have all remained largely my friends for years and years while being semi two-faced before I end up making the decison to treat them exactly as they treat me... which causes some quick reactions at times and clouds of dust as they run over the hills never to be seen again. The last major friend was cast off because they would demand so much from me and insist that I keep going downtown to visit them each and every time. He would never come to my place. 50% of the words out of his mouth would be in lament for his mothers death 20 years prior and his hatred for his dad. He loved to quintiple repeat himself. It took a while... but grew very old in time. The last time I spoke to him, I asked him to visit me where I lived for once. He flat out refused... so I cut him loose.

The one major thing that will get you dismissed from my roster is to become incommunitcative. If I make 3 attempts at contact that are never returned... legit attempts at contact; emails that I know were read, phone messages that go unreplied to... I will no longer attempt to contact again unless that person can give just cause for such extremely rude behavior... especially for one that calls themselves a friend. My position is that such people are never worth it. Thats how a good many internet friends go away... merely fading slowly away until communication ceases altogether.
Gonz said:
Putting my family in danger or lying.

Yeah, I'm with Gonz. I'll forgive a lot. But don't EVER mess with my kids. And no lies. It's not worth it. After a friend lies, they are very quickly relegated to the ranks of people I might drink with, but would never confide in.
Leslie said:
violate my trust once you're out forever nowadays.

that and also for me
being an asshole
doing stupid shit
doing things to hurt others
treating me like shit
unclehobart said:
The one major thing that will get you dismissed from my roster is to become incommunitcative. If I make 3 attempts at contact that are never returned... legit attempts at contact; emails that I know were read, phone messages that go unreplied to... I will no longer attempt to contact again unless that person can give just cause for such extremely rude behavior... especially for one that calls themselves a friend. My position is that such people are never worth it. Thats how a good many internet friends go away... merely fading slowly away until communication ceases altogether.

Coincidense.......I was just thinkin' about that earlier today. Internet "friendships" must be the strangest relationships about. I used to chat to many people on a daily basis sometimes for months upon months........but once they disapeared (and this internetty thing is famous for that) I never gave them a second thought.

I wonder if that makes me really shallow.......Real Life friends I've lost contact with are on my mind pretty regularly (when their birthdays come around etc) but people who I've only had written correspondance with........I rarely remember :confused:
but that's a different thing...people drift away...there is no anomosity (sp?) there...your life takes me many places and you meet many people...couldn't possibly keep up with them all.
The one major thing that will get you dismissed from my roster is to become incommunitcative. If I make 3 attempts at contact that are never returned... legit attempts at contact; emails that I know were read, phone messages that go unreplied to... I will no longer attempt to contact again unless that person can give just cause for such extremely rude behavior... especially for one that calls themselves a friend. My position is that such people are never worth it. Thats how a good many internet friends go away... merely fading slowly away until communication ceases altogether
I am somewhat in this boat although I think if we were to see again we would be friends. but I too have lst contact with people. but I bear them no rancor for it.
If people violate my trust I don't necessarily write them off as friends, but I tend to change my attitude towards them and the dynamics of the relationship will change. Of course there are varying degrees to this - if for instance a friend went & shagged my man behind my back I'd not have anything to do with either of them. f he/she lied to me I'd probably forgive & forget.......the first time.......after that it becomes a downward trend I'm afraid.

The one thing that has most likely changed my relationships most is a evaluation of myself & change in my own life, I guess there just comes a point where you have to take a good long look at the relationships you have with people & decide what value these add to your life & 'label' them accordingly.
Never actually had to end a friendship with anyone yet.
Though if I did, the reasons would be all of the above.