Finding the edges of the political spectrum


Well-Known Member
*Thanks to Gonz for pointing this site out*

In order to better understand how ideology spins 'news' I've been looking for heavily biased news and commentary sites. I figure that if I can know where the edges of the spectrum are (Conservative vs. Liberal) that I can find the middle and see what's really happening instead of trying to see the news through the spin.

So... anyone got heavily biased sites that they know of? Anyone got sites with little or no spin?

Curiosity may have killed the cat,

but satisfaction brought it back :)
I tend to hit Yahoo for my news. since they pick up everything from Fox to CNN to AP, I usually get the full spread on one page.
I seldomly use sites from extremist groups. Hell, WND is as far off center as I go (without a grain of salt). WND at least is a reputable news site. DU is an opinion site. Well, then again, so is the NY Times & CBS.
It is dificult at best to find any news without any type of spin or personal opinion..

Newsmax does a good job in keeping the personal opinions to a minimum, unfortunatly they also pad the releases at the end with related coverage...
I'll hit FAIR on occasion, for minimal spin...but sometimes they try to remove spin from other sites and overcompensate. ;)
Rush is not news. He is a radio commentator. He'll link to news sites though.