First day of snow...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Ahh...twas a pleasant morning today. 43F with a wind chill of 29F. So we had some mixed rain and snow...yes...snow...for about an hour today. Just watching the traffic reports is making me nervous...
You must've got what bypassed us last night. There was a threat of a dusting here but the moisture had moved all off to the east side of the city by the time the temp became cool enough.
You must've got what bypassed us last night. There was a threat of a dusting here but the moisture had moved all off to the east side of the city by the time the temp became cool enough.

Most likely. Now it's sleeting. There goes my global warming plot...:devious:
It's getting colder over here too, not as cold as you guys get it still a good 3ºC this morning.
Yet to see the white stuff in Toronto and it's going to be 8C tomorrow and 9C on Thursday. Low both nights is 0C.
I know Spirit had some snow last week.
Single name? ... nah. Thats more like a supermodel or a female singer. A white rapper dude would be more like Vanilla Snow... and every bit as lame.
Yet to see the white stuff in Toronto and it's going to be 8C tomorrow and 9C on Thursday. Low both nights is 0C.
I know Spirit had some snow last week.

Dude, the white stuff has fallen in Toronto twice aready. The first time I wanted to scream when I walked out the door in the morning and saw snow on my car...the second time it was while I was driving to work...neither time any actually stayed on the ground but it did fall.
Nix. The total number of rap singers I could name wouldn't fill all 10 of my fingers. I'm in an older generation and white. I listen to rock... not pop, not rap, not grunge, not any of that stuff. Pretty much everything that came after 1989 that wasn't major star material and isn't rock/heavy metal, just isn't on my radar at all.

I know of50 cent... but I'll be damned if I can pick out one of his songs. I have never heard them and none of the radio stations I listen to will ever play him. Frankly, the same can be said for Britney Spears. I know like 2 of her songs passingly only because it was an over the top unstoppable monster that was everywhere.
Nix. The total number of rap singers I could name wouldn't fill all 10 of my fingers. I'm in an older generation and white. I listen to rock... not pop, not rap, not grunge, not any of that stuff. Pretty much everything that came after 1989 that wasn't major star material and isn't rock/heavy metal, just isn't on my radar at all.

I know of50 cent... but I'll be damned if I can pick out one of his songs. I have never heard them and none of the radio stations I listen to will ever play him. Frankly, the same can be said for Britney Spears. I know like 2 of her songs passingly only because it was an over the top unstoppable monster that was everywhere.

Hardly a rapper ,he tried to gain street cred by creating a phony police record,Steve Dallas is more rapper like .
Dude, the white stuff has fallen in Toronto twice aready. The first time I wanted to scream when I walked out the door in the morning and saw snow on my car...the second time it was while I was driving to work...neither time any actually stayed on the ground but it did fall.

Well I didn't see it. If it's doesn't stay on the ground it don't count!:grinno: