First Day


Staff member
Well, I'm getting ready for my first day of work. I'll be leaving in 40min.

Tell me about your first day at work. When I get home this evening I'll read your stories and then tell you my own :)
good luck nixy.

my story is my first day of my first job.

15 years old, decided to work in the kitchen of the sleepaway camp I had been going to forever.

Get there (this is in the country) a day early do to a mix-up by the boss, me alone on the 70 acre camp that I had only ever seen when inhabited by me and about 1000 other people (big camp)

it was spooky, traipsed around, heard some noise, it was a bear, ran back to the building I was staying in, napped, someone came in, one of th people who lived on the lake needed help with a jetski, so I went in the boat (NOT A STRANGER, I had seen this guy around for abotu 7 years) helped out, got some beer, and a BBQ meal, went back, slept, and then next day the hell that is work started.

All the other jobs have been ordinary, show up, introduce yourself, train on the basics, go home, wonder what you got yoursef into.
paul_valaru said:
All the other jobs have been ordinary, show up, introduce yourself, train on the basics, go home, wonder what you got yoursef into.

Yeah ,same here ,nothing really happened to make any of them truly memorable .I've only had about 4 jobs total though,not including summers haying or other day jobs when I was a teenager.
A.B.Normal said:
Yeah ,same here ,nothing really happened to make any of them truly memorable .I've only had about 4 jobs total though,not including summers haying or other day jobs when I was a teenager.

I have had maybe 4 real jobs
I was a petrol pump attendant when I was 15. They didn't have a uniform for me, so they made me wear tights and short skirt. Guess it pulled in the customers. :shrug:
Most of my 'first days', I was told to mostly watch, and learn how things
were supposed to be run.
The second day, I worked my butt off....usually.:D
I came in...
They did a few retarded children's games, called 'ice breakers' and explained how they would do them a lot to motivate the employees.
Aside from my first day, it's never fuckin' happened...
Then everyone had to watch this ancient tape that was all 'Don't steal from Circuit City, because we'll catch you and throw you in jail' and to emphasise it they tell us that their cameras are so good that they can watch every keystroke they want. After a month, one figures out that 75% of the cameras are fake and there is only someone watching them for less than half the time it is open.
My day went fabulous :)

Morning was all introductions and filling out forms, then I got taken out to lunch on the company, then in the afternoon all sorts of people gave me little tasks to do to help me slowly learn the whole process. A number of people also stopped by my desk to say that they're going to invite me to go on site with them so I can learn (I'll be just helping and observing both in the office and on site for the first while, eventually I'll get my own projects). I may not know who everyone is but they all know me and they're all very nice. I think I'm really gonna like it there. It's very "team" oriented and I don't have a "boss" so to speak...noone to answer to. I just kinda keep myself busy helping people until I get my own projects.
Professur said:
Gee, so you're not gonna manage to get fired in the first week? That sucks.

I did good. I had to prepare a bid summary today and the guy I was doing it for said I did awesome :)

Now I sleep. 5:30am is early.
Nixy said:
It's very "team" oriented and I don't have a "boss" so to speak...noone to answer to.

Let me give you a few pointers on finding out what silly rubbish that statement is :D go pay for that car.
Sounds like a good first day, Nix. Anytime they actually let you produce on day 1, it's a good sign.
Today I got to go deliver a report to a client who likes to say they never got the reports when really they now we hand deliver and get a stamp on our copy. It was fun...except that fact that I was asked a half hour before my normal day woulda been over and I said ok cause I estimated it as a 45min trip...well turns out the report wasn't ready til 4:30 (which was 30min AFTER my day was suppose to be over cause I got there uber early...still trying to figure out routes and times and traffic) so I ended up not leaving the office til 5:15pm...oh well I'm taking Friday off for Grad so I'll actually get paid for the extra time (normally wouldn't because I'm salary)