First it was Claritin


molṑn labé
Staff member
Now it's Similac.

BETHLEHEM, Pa. - Shoppers with little children might have noticed a change at the supermarket recently: The powdered baby formula has been locked up.

The high-priced item has long been an attractive target for shoplifters, who typically resell it on the black market at a reduced price or use it to cut drugs.


Pretty soon, we'll need ID to get into the grocery store.
I remember when I had small babies there were counterfeit formula coupons. That shit really is waaaay more expensive than it needs to be....but I had a great free solution to the formula dilemma ;)
I remember when some store chains were called to task because they were security tagging beauty supplies used predominantly by minority groups. The company response was 'that was the stuff getting stolen'... but apparently it was racist to track only the stuff getting stolen instead of making a program to track everything as one.
I believe I would have been too afraid of taintedness to buy black market formula. :alienhuh:

Anyone know why would they use it to cut drugs over something like...flour or cornstarch or somethin?
Harder to detect I would imagine.

[sarcasm, nth degree]The solution of course is to just legalize drugs. Then we can unlock baby formula and make it easier on the shoplifters again. When dope is legal, only legals will be dopes, or something. Look, a bird....[/sarcasm]
I bought 2 items yesterday.
The first was a very large permanent marker. The cashier had to ask if I was over the age of 18. OK, I can see that it could be used as an inhalant.

The second was a topical liquid flea treatment for my dogs! Same question --- are you over 18. WTF?
I bought 2 items yesterday.
The first was a very large permanent marker. The cashier had to ask if I was over the age of 18. OK, I can see that it could be used as an inhalant.

The second was a topical liquid flea treatment for my dogs! Same question --- are you over 18. WTF?

That's almost as bad as using the drive ups at the fast food places...

I'll tell em the only thing I want is the drink or thing they say is "is that you want?"...

There had been a few times when I had the need to jump right through the speeker and strangle someone...
I bought 2 items yesterday.
The first was a very large permanent marker. The cashier had to ask if I was over the age of 18. OK, I can see that it could be used as an inhalant.

The second was a topical liquid flea treatment for my dogs! Same question --- are you over 18. WTF?

Was this the same clerk?
"Well, Einstein...if I was over 18 5 seconds ago then I am over 18 now".
Was this the same clerk?
"Well, Einstein...if I was over 18 5 seconds ago then I am over 18 now".

ROTFL --- tonks, if it had been, I probably would have screamed.
But, it was at 2 different places.

Still don't understand why you have to be over 18 to purchase flea treatment.
TRL, I don't know what you look like, but your profile says that you're sixty. You must be doing pretty well, if you're still getting carded. :hmm: