First it was Claritin

Its not really a matter of being a judgement call on the part of the cashiers lately. Most chain stores have a policy of having a whole dumb question regime to ask all customers regardless of age. Most liquor sales in my local stores cannot be completed without proper ID even if you're a doting 90 and look like wrinkled death. Some of the register programs require that the drivers number be entered in order to continue.
the stores in Boston used to have to keep the mouthwash behind the counters. alcohol could not be sold on sundays (except in bars) and the alcoholics would have to resort to drinking listerine to keep from getting seizures. since a bottle of listerine costs more than the jug of vodka they usually drank, they ended up stealing it.
They've been putting the Similac behind the counter in California for ages as part of a loss prevention strategy. The stores that don't installed the sensormatic system (those tombstone-like things on each side of the door and magnetic tags stuck to the items that can be deactivated by a pad at the register) in order to be able to place tags on high-theft, high-dollar items.
You should buy your own beer.

She already spending my money for the groceries. I'm not gonna stand in line behind her. Besides, I'm looking after the kids so that they're not pulling everything off the shelves while standing in line.
Its not that she probably minds getting carded every time,its Prof laughing at the clerk for doing it that pisses her off. :nutkick: