First Koffi f**ks the Iraqi's

Why is it that I got exactly what Les was saying in the first instance... and it takes others a 17 post long exchange to get it? :shrug:
What did you 'get' that any and everyone that enters any and all military services are "sick fucks"?

Because that's how I interpreted:

"sick fucks seem to gravitate towards the military life"
I interpreted it as meaning...

Does the military produce or induce certain behaviours or are the behaviours present before enlisting and/or a reason they follow that road?

Dunno whether its a woman thing... but I cfertainly didin't interpret it as slandering a whole nation's military... mearly voicing a suggestion. :shrug:
OK fine the enlisted ranks tend to draw their members (no not that member) from the lower socio-economic levels of society.
I suppose that training young men to murder in the name of their country would possibly awaken other male traits in some guys. But to condemn all military service people because of an instance where poorly supervised multinational UN force drawn from 3rd world countries are acting in appropriately is a sweeping generalization even I'd not readily ascribe too. And I absolutely love sweeping generalizations!!!
Winky said:
Yeah the pressure of delivering the mail hence the term going postal. lol

What I was trying to get at was the members of the U.N. Security Forces that are committing these acts are hmmm how do I put this without drawing the ire of a certain American Serviceman...
Drawn from the population of the surrounding countries?

BBC Link
Good point Winky....

They come from that society and don't actually see anything wrong with it themselves as they have seen it all around them growing up etc and it is generally expected of them. Then when they get drawn into the UN peacekeeping force they do it because of the reasons given above and the western troops/aides are witnessing this for the first time and the difference in culture and morals brings up this situation.
I am a HUGE WIMP then, ain't I, cuz, I'm afraid to enter the military.
I'd take a sick fuck to protect my ass, than me enlisting.

Am I wrong to think like this?
Not really. I know I don't have what it takes to join the military but I'd rather some sick fuck was fighting to keep my country safe than to have no one doing that job. Guess it's a perspective thing :shrug:
Raven said:
Good point Winky....

They come from that society and don't actually see anything wrong with it themselves as they have seen it all around them growing up etc and it is generally expected of them. Then when they get drawn into the UN peacekeeping force they do it because of the reasons given above and the western troops/aides are witnessing this for the first time and the difference in culture and morals brings up this situation.
these were French, Haitian, Tunisian, and Australians. Gonz's link details atrocities by Canadians and Belgiums.
Oh Crap ever one run and Hide the White witch of the great White North is back on the rampage.
Ah right, I was thrown by by Winky's picture.

In that case, looks to me like 'I'm doing it because I can'.....not uncommon for people with the bigger gun to make people without do what they want.
Leslie said:
it's FREAKIN cold here!!

10 degrees Fahrenheit that's like the inside of a freezer! Yesterday it was a balmy 70F here.

(I guess that's 21C for all the rest of you)

21 just don't do it justice somehow!
What -12 is warm for a Canadianian winter....gets down to -40 from what I hear from the Quebecers

Now THATS cold
Leslie said:
these were French, Haitian, Tunisian, and Australians. Gonz's link details atrocities by Canadians and Belgiums.

Gonzs' link provides additional fodder at the expense of the overutilized & underqualified United Nations Security Forces, sans the United States, which makes up approximately 70% of the UN security force.

When we lead, there are instances. When France leads, it's commonplace to have illegal or immoral activity.
There is no question that whatever is broke within this Peacekeeping machine has got to be fixed.
I can name that tune in one note.


The only thing that leads to lasting, true peace is absolute victory.
Leslie said:
There is no question that whatever is broke within this Peacekeeping machine has got to be fixed.

... that would again be ... the UN itself.

seeing a pattern of corruption yet?

Oh of course not, its the eViL U.S.of A., ....just ask most any enlightened Euro.

BTW, this quite old news, the French Soldiers have developed their own houses of ill-repute with local children and very young women (...and prolly a few men to boot)