First state sovereignty declarations, now this.


Well-Known Member
Thirty states now have declared Tenth Amendment State Sovereignty bills or have bills in the works. Now, the state of Montana has passed a law declaring: "A personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is manufactured commercially or privately in Montana and that remains within the borders of Montana is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of congress to regulate interstate commerce."

The Act may be read HERE

The state of Texas has now filed this act in Texas.

A video interview of the author and several others may be watched HERE.

The states see what is happening in DC and they are fleeing the sinking Ship of State because they don't want any part of Obama's Socialist America.
Pretty damned sad when states must file legislation when teh Constitution is already provided. The feds have virtually no authority yet the people have ignorantly handed them absolute power.
Note that this is for guns/ammunition made in that state. The federal government still has authority over interstate commerce.

FYI... my guns are not registered. ;)
Note that this is for guns/ammunition made in that state. The federal government still has authority over interstate commerce.

FYI... my guns are not registered. ;)

The feds have turned the authority over interstate commerce into authority over intrastate commerce as well. That is what this legislation is designed to curtail.
The feds have turned the authority over interstate commerce into authority over intrastate commerce as well. That is what this legislation is designed to curtail.
The Federal government will fail in court. The Constitution is the Constitution. The only way to change that is to actually change The Constitution.
When the federal judges are ruling on federal cases, with an agenda, it's hardy blind justice.
When the federal judges are ruling on federal cases, with an agenda, it's hardy blind justice.
Sorry... I was talking about the Supreme Court.
They have ruled against the federal government in many cases such as this, especially when the federal government is obviously wrong.
The Supreme Court ruled, in the Scott case, that slavery was legal....only to overturn itself later.

The worst case in US history Marbury vs Madison when the Supreme Court ruled itself the final arbiter.
What a wunderful country this woulda been if they's a loaded them
back on ships and took them back to Africa!
What a wunderful country this woulda been if they's a loaded them
back on ships and took them back to Africa!

Man it is probably wise to keep such comments to yourself. I will try to make no judgment, but to most folks I'd bet that drops you into the category of sub-human life yourself at best, and tech 9 target practice at worst!
yeah, but winky IS a racist.

to his credit, at least he has the guts to say stuff directly, unlike several others around here.
Man it is probably wise to keep such comments to yourself. I will try to make no judgment, but to most folks I'd bet that drops you into the category of sub-human life yourself at best, and tech 9 target practice at worst!

As racist as Winky's comment was, yours isn't much 9...
As racist as Winky's comment was, yours isn't much 9...

yeah tech 9... how unrefined.

now if'n it was a nice custom 1911, now that might be a little different. i mean, golly, if yer gonna plug the winkus, at least be classy about it.


kids these days. sheesh.