First Step Toward Tiscal Sanity.


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CBO: Repealing ObamaCare Will Cut $540 Billion in Spending, Prevent Job-Killing Tax Hikes

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirmed today that the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act (H.R. 2) will cut projected government spending by more than half-a-trillion dollars and prevent job-killing tax hikes on families and small businesses. From the CBO Director’s Blog:
“CBO anticipates that enacting H.R. 2 would probably yield, for the 2012-2021 period, a reduction in revenues in the neighborhood of $770 billion and a reduction in outlays in the vicinity of $540 billion…”
In other words, “revenues” equal tax hikes – the GOP bill will stop $770 billion in tax hikes. And “outlays” equal spending – the GOP bill will cut $540 billion in government spending.
No wonder former CBO Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin calls repealing the job-killing health care law the “first step toward fiscal sanity.”

This almost slipped by under the radar during the Sarah's fault hatefest. It looks like a good target, we should fight for this Victory

= -230.

while both less taxes and less spending are good, at the end of the day this adds to the deficit.

they need to come up with something a little more clever.
Clever is as clever does.

Stop spending money we ain't got. If that means SSA & Medicare need to be reduced, so be it. Raising taxes will not increase the coffers.
I wonder how liberals diet if they count calories like they do the federal budget?

reagan and W ran up huge deficits. nobody is really good at not spending, though certainly obuntzel has been going apeshit lately.

i'd really like to see the repubs put their money where their mouth is. they need to chop the rest of what they are not going to pay for in immediate tax receipts.
pay for in immediate tax receipts

and read my lips: no new taxes
throw in
It's the economy Stupid

that would be a start
fiscal sanity is not vanity

dang straight trickle fickle

balance it chop off the entitlements
and try and figger a way to pay the debt down to zero!
well, as far as SS, I believe the money given to Pakistan, and Afghanistan
per year would cover that part.
Cut um off.

If the people drawing SS weren't REQUIRED to have medicare, and could
choose a private plan, the numbers might change there.
I'm not sure what those numbers would be, but it'd be a step.
reagan and W ran up huge deficits. nobody is really good at not spending, though certainly obuntzel has been going apeshit lately.

Every healthy diet requires a person to eat. Obaba has been adding calories in multiples of Reagan and Dubya, leaving us... well, ...lets just say that its not a very pretty comparison...


I'll have to disagree with you on your choice of diet.
Where's my free shit?

Holding a gun to the heads of Americans taking their money
and giving it to other Americans

prudy simple huh?

doncha think millions of Americans would die without
their government handouts?
That is another subject (no there shouldn't).

Socialism has failed every time it's been tried.
I think you are simplifying the subject way too much.

I do think there Has to be a 'shift', but we have to make sure the old time
infrastructure is in place....
1500 churches in Atlanta alone, are being squeezed and shut down by the
government Now.
They have mortgages, but Are current.

Don't you think we need to protect the Rights of people first, so
a 90 year old widow doesn't get put on the street?
When the hand outs stop

yes the good old
yer making it too simple argument
that ain't werking this time buddy
things ARE simple

you'll soon see what happens
when a government uses its power to run roughshod
over private property rights

Van Hollen, Chris
(MD), Weiner
(NY), Inslee
(WA), Tonko
(NY), Courtney
(CT), Woolsey
(CA), Hirono
(HI), Chu (CA),
Carolyn (NY),
Bishop, Tim (NY),
Kucinich (OH),
Holt (NJ), Wu
(OR), Loebsack
(IA), Engel (NY),
Welch (VT)
#18 Revised Would state that repeal of the Affordable Care Act
shall not take effect until the date upon which CBO certifies
that repeal will not increase the deficit by eliminating the
$230B over 10 years and $1.2T over 20 years in deficit
savings achieved by the Affordable Care Act

nuff said?

They acknowledge that Obamacare will help cut the deficit