First Step Toward Tiscal Sanity.

Osamacare is the only way to prosperity!

do you have a skull shrine in your backyard?
Nope...just a saccharine cherub statue holding a crystal ball which glows thanks to an LED and a micro solar cell.

Can I get one of those skull shrines at Canadian Tire to even out the cherub?
You guys have quite a few places where you can cut spending, several places where you'd like to but won't happen and then this pie in the sky bill which looks like it'll cut spending, but won't.

Try closing down some of the 140 military bases that you have on foreign soil..and maybe pulling out of Afghanistan and Iraq. Should save you several hundred billion$ right there.

Iraq alone will save you $160b/year and rising.
Fiscal Sanity is over rated

there has been a run on them since the weekend
they might be out of stock
Insanity is fun

Abolish the Department of Education
Phase out SSI medicare/medicad
cut the defense budget by 75%
let the world defend itself (hah like that would happen).

sell off Federal lands to private citizens

Pay off the debt in five years

take over the world
Winky, I guess you might as well resign yourself to being unhappy with
the fiscal situation, 'cause your proposals will never happen.
At least not the way you think.
Taxed Enough Already?

I really don't care,
my liking or disliking things
won't change them.

What do you see happening in the future?

Oh there's plenty-O-phat we could chop-off. I think there are plenty of entitlements that could be greatly reduced and acronymed entities that need to be reduced to lower case letters and fit them all into one building.
yeah, I'm not an isolationist, but I do think there's aLot of moneys
going out the foreign countries that could be reeled in.

Cut the size of our gov. to a realistic workable level,....
Theeen see where we're at.
has nothing to do with obuntzel. we been lettin' them smack our balls for years. but you know that, cerise.
Spend spend spend!!!

Them Jews gots the 200 nukes
they ain't goin' down without a fight
