Fishing is a sport with a Million Experts and...


Well-Known Member
all of them are lying.

I went fishing again on Sunday, as I usually do, in Upstate New York (Either Malone or Chateauguay) and the following is what happened to youre truly. I'll get to my point in a few secs, but first...

(sung to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies them song)

Come and listen to a story about a man named Bish
Out one sunny morn, trying t’ catch himself some fish
When off to his left, just holding a fishin spool,
Out through the bush came a bungling fool.

Redneck that is, New Yorker, Malone style.

Well the next thing you know, old Bish is hearing news,
All about his stance and the lure he liked to use
Told “ Hey buddy, you’re casting that all wrong”
He stopped for a moment, and composed this song.

Lyrically, that is.
With irony, and some malice.

The MrBishop Rant Hour!!

Well...finshin is a sport with about 1 Million fishermen just in North America, and all of them...every single last one of use, is a bonafied expert. I've been lake fishing for years, and I've just gotten into river fishing...but by damn, I'm an expert...NOT!

Now...I take hints from friends, and I take special attention to my father-in-law's hints (because he's been fishing that area for over 16 years), but wasn't I surprised when I found out that I have to take hints from complete guessed it. They're Experts!

Picture this. I'm in the middle of Salmon River, wearing my hip-boots and I have the water just cusping over the edge of them. In other words, I'm in deep. My line is in shallow water, about 15 feet away from me. There might be about 1 1/2 feet of water there. I'm reeling in, when I hear this voice off to my left and see this guy standing on the edge of the river, holding an old fishing cane and hollaring at me.

"Hey're doing that all wrong. You're supposed to be standing in the shallow end and casting in the deep."

I tried to explain to him the point of the matter...but he went on.

"I see that you're using a really should switch to fly fishing"
"You're reeling in too slowly, you're going to catch more weeds than fish that way"
"You're in too deep...your boots are going to fill up like that"

and so, on and so on. It was distracting...which is probably why it took me almost 12 minutes of his ranting to finally drag out of the water...tada!!!

a 17" Brown Trout with some serious muscle to him, who I'd been following from one side of the bloody river to the other, because I couldn't safely pull him in with only a 5lb line.

This is the perfect time to use this smiley. When someone's should just smile, sit back and accept when someone says...


Thanks for the spaceo t rant. OTC Rocks!

I do assume you have a picture of this devine specimen of fish hood

seriously, did you cook it? or have to throw it back, being over the border and all.

And I know that guy, he used to bug me when I was fishing in Jay, New York.
:D You rock, Bish. As does fishing. :D

/me thinks you should lay off the white text, though, cause it's a bitch to read on the green style and prolly silver style, too.
EXTREME bitch in the silver style. It involves much highlighting...

Congrats on the fish though!!!

If 8 inches is <--------> then I guess the fish was about...<----------------->?

Nixy said:
EXTREME bitch in the silver style. It involves much highlighting...

Congrats on the fish though!!!

If 8 inches is <--------> then I guess the fish was about...<----------------->?


No wonder women don't understand why guys fish...another reason to lie about length!!

Paul - I didn't have to toss it. I have my NY fishing license. It's gutted, frozen, and in my fridge along with a slightly smaller one. :) They're going to my dad's place tomorrow. I'll try to take a photo, but it won't be in-situ. I didn't have my camera with me. :p

Sorry about the white text...that's how it shows on ym when I cut/pasted my poem into the screen, I just changed it back into what I thought was the generic colour. I'll edit it.
So how are you going to cook it

hungry minds want to know, no one feeds me :devious:

Camelyn, he is a Montrealer, they are all fine upstanding people, who can be trusted to tell the truth at all times.

It's true...really

every word
If I wanted to lie...I'd have posted this one.

I'll get my Da to call me when they're thawed I can take a pic, on a plate or something. In the meanwhile...they kind of look like big-ol fishsticks.

Cam- Hon...Montrealers never lie, until you date them that is :)

speaking of which...Hint hint... when's that next IRL meetup?
UOTE=paul_valaru]wow, you've aged horribly since I saw your pic on your profile[/QUOTE]


T'aint me.... on the other hand....taint me!

C'mon Cam....the MFM's still in the works right? My first flip came up the contract!!
paul_valaru said:
lol, bish is cruising

bleach, that is SO wrong, I needed therapy after going to goast that first time

Yeah, it shocked me......supposed to have been a fishing joke, not someones internal organs :eh:

Bloody anti-hotlinking twats
MrBishop said:
C'mon Cam....the MFM's still in the works right? My first flip came up the contract!!
Well, why don't you 2 get together first, get in a little nekked time together, "feel" each other out, take some pics for my perusal, at my leisure, and I'll get back to you.

Works for you? Works for me :)
Camelyn said:
Well, why don't you 2 get together first, get in a little nekked time together, "feel" each other out, take some pics for my perusal, at my leisure, and I'll get back to you.

Works for you? Works for me :) havn't seen the pics yet? Damn...check out greenfreak's Avatar...I'm the cute one on the right. ;)