fixing shrink wrapped packaging

Yes, I do know that. ;) I never said that I go for repeat customers to my area. However, that isn't a bad thing, so long as they aren't coming back for the same problem. :) I said you treat them right the first time, meaning not screw around with them a few times and finally fix the problem the fourth time they come back. ;) I know of some people in the past who *have* gone for repeat customers on purpose. Needless to say, they no longer work for us. Simply put, if I do my job, the rest of the store will have better luck because the customer and their friends will come back, not necessarily to me, but to the store. :) Classic example: tommyj27.

However, some managers may disagree...
I built my reputation on the idea that I don't want repeat customers. I want their friends.

Nice to hear that I'm not totally alone.
Professur said:
Mirlyn, you do know that most techs feel that if you do the job right the first time, you don't get repeat customers.

You're not taking the 'idiot' function into account, prof. Never underestimate the power of the idiot. ;)