Flashback: Hacked Emails Reveal ‘Washington-Approved’ Plan to Stage Chemical Weapons Attack in Syria

hmmm. juicy self-defense fantasy. sounds like something out of the front pages of american rifleman. did you chuck one?
listening to WHAT?

listening to the morally repugnant scum-asshole cunts who suggest that the chemical weapons attack was an 'inside job' by US?
that's funny i heard that you hid them in jim's butt, along with several vintage copies of "barely legal."
More people were kill 10 times over already with conventional weapons, and
now all the sudden 10% are killed with chems, and there's outrage? come on.
syria is a ball factory. i don't think we should expend any resources on it. but obummer's been on a rampage. make sure you have goggles handy. keep a poncho in the car.
get over yourself, shitbag. i don't opt out of body scanners because i don't care enough to do so. i don't give a flying fuck if some TSA person sees a scan of my peepee dickey. i actually think it's funny that they do see that. i bet you think i would readily consent to a search of my vehicle too. of course i would. i just can't wait to conform.

Well, it certainly looks like you would conform. Do you really think its constitutional what the TSA is doing? Also, the way you asked if I would dodge the draft is very telling. You simply asked if I would dodge a draft. No condition required.

I think you don't opt-out of the body scan in order to not cause a scene.
Haven't you guys been watching the news? The Syria issue has been resolved (and I think properly) Putin is going to handle it.
Well, it certainly looks like you would conform. Do you really think its constitutional what the TSA is doing? Also, the way you asked if I would dodge the draft is very telling. You simply asked if I would dodge a draft. No condition required.

I think you don't opt-out of the body scan in order to not cause a scene.
