Florida representative Allen: Fear made me offer sex

Larry Craig.


He's a moron & a homosexual, Burn him. Add Barney Franks to that pile.

spike, I'm making an assumption here...you say he's anti-gay. Because he doesn't think that homosexuals should be allowed to marry one another makes him anti-gay? He can suck anything he likes & still not agree with homosexual marriage.
Larry Craig.


He's a moron & a homosexual, Burn him. Add Barney Franks to that pile.

spike, I'm making an assumption here...you say he's anti-gay. Because he doesn't think that homosexuals should be allowed to marry one another makes him anti-gay? He can suck anything he likes & still not agree with homosexual marriage.

i believe he's been one of the more flaming anti-homersexuals. awfully flamboyant. we'll just call him nelly.
Hey WINKY!!!!!

He never whipped it out...does it still count as lewd conduct?
Larry Craig.


He's a moron & a homosexual, Burn him. Add Barney Franks to that pile.

spike, I'm making an assumption here...you say he's anti-gay. Because he doesn't think that homosexuals should be allowed to marry one another makes him anti-gay? He can suck anything he likes & still not agree with homosexual marriage.

Take a psychology course sometime. Clearly, he's in denial of his homosexaulity. If one is raised with someone teaching them hatred, as so many are, their own self loathing motivates them to do all manner of bizzare and illogical things. It's quite common for those unfortunate enough to be born different in these dark times. One can only hope that mankind continues down the path of enlightenment. Progress is slow, but I am optimistic, and I see evidence that encourages me. Pessimism doesn't pay in these matters, usually doesn't in any matter, though we all are guilty of it at times, especially when we see, over and over, stupidity like this.
Even you aren't that thick!

If a parent teaches a child that homosexuality is wrong, and evil, what do you think that would do to a child who was gay? Oh yeah that's right. People just get up one day and go; "gee, everyone pretty much hates homosexuality, it's taboo, it's socially unacceptable, and that kind of lifestyle is going to be a long hard road filled with hatred misunderstanding, sometimes even violence being done to me....SOUNDS GREAT! Sign me up!" Right?
Believing that homosexuality is wrong, or evil is hatred?

Pissing match between the cop & the Senator. It seems less clear cut now. The cop may have been after some quick cash (speed trap)
Believing that homosexuality is wrong, or evil is hatred?







What the extreme religious right thinks about 9/11

Warning, this is quite disturbing.

I suppose you'd call this tough love then huh? You're really a sick fuck you know it?
Liberals are telling us that homosexuality is normal and “just another life style choice.” They tell us that those that make fun of or otherwise do harm to homosexuals based on their sexual preference are guilty of a Hate-Crime.

Liberals are demanding that homosexuals be allowed to marry and live their life openly in the light of day.

Liberals have told us for years that extramarital sexual behavior was personal, the individual’s private life, and just about sex.

Liberals told us that having extramarital sexual relationships using the power and influence of public office, and conducted on Government property was no big deal as long as no one was hurt and it was a consensual relationship.

Liberals told us that the improper or even criminal activity of someone that was married and shook his finger at America and denied any extramarital sexual involvement was OK--- even if it was a lie told to a Federal Grand Jury because it was “just about sex."

Liberals are constantly telling us that people are to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And, that they should not be forced to resign from office, or even important committee appointments.

So, where is this liberalism in practice where Larry Craig is involved?
and you know it's more just FUNNY than anything else (now i can't speak for them kneejerk liberals out there like reign boy)...

like when swaggart got caught beating off with prostitutes. now that's hard to beat. but an outspoken anti-homo senator that gets caught cruising the restroom at an airport? that's priceless.
Liberals are telling us that homosexuality is normal and “just another life style choice.” They tell us that those that make fun of or otherwise do harm to homosexuals based on their sexual preference are guilty of a Hate-Crime.

Liberals are demanding that homosexuals be allowed to marry and live their life openly in the light of day.

Liberals have told us for years that extramarital sexual behavior was personal, the individual’s private life, and just about sex.

Liberals told us that having extramarital sexual relationships using the power and influence of public office, and conducted on Government property was no big deal as long as no one was hurt and it was a consensual relationship.

Liberals told us that the improper or even criminal activity of someone that was married and shook his finger at America and denied any extramarital sexual involvement was OK--- even if it was a lie told to a Federal Grand Jury because it was “just about sex."

Liberals are constantly telling us that people are to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And, that they should not be forced to resign from office, or even important committee appointments.

So, where is this liberalism in practice where Larry Craig is involved?

OK, you got me! That is a good post. Very insightful, on point, and you do indeed have a point, (if one doesn't look to far beneath the surface anyway), so I will answer it.

We, and I believe I speak for the majority of liberal minded people, dont have a problem with him doing whatever he likes in his bedroom so long as he isn't hurting anyone. The touble is, when a GOP senator, who is anti gay rights, is married, and then commits a crime in the bathroom in pursuit of extramarital, homosexual contact with a stranger, it tends to look not only unethical, immoral, and pathetic, it is downright hypocritcal as well.

Hell I wouldn't care if he was gay, had a wife, for a beard* And had discreet male lovers, so long as when it came out, he handled it with class, didn't try and deny it, accepted responsibilty, and was a "man" about it. As long as he wasn't one of those closeted self loathing gays that denies it to himself, and takes it out on the gay community with anti gay legislation, then goes and secretly engages in homosexuality. Those types are despicable and they should not hold office. I do have sympathy even for them. It's got to be damn hard to have those kind of tastes and desires, and to have been taught to hate it. Ultimately they come to hate themselves for having that kind of sex drive, and it's sad that they are doomed to a miserable double life. What they need is a lot of therapy, not to be elected to a political office.

* A person who diverts suspicion from someone (especially a woman who accompanies a male homosexual in order to conceal his homosexuality).
Despite how distasteful it is, hypocrisy is what really makes the world go round. Honor and self-respect are all but dead (if they ever really existed at all) and most people do whatever they like and think they can get away with, liberal or conservative.

That said, I agree with Mark in this case. You're busted, be a man and own up.
and you know it's more just FUNNY than anything else (now i can't speak for them kneejerk liberals out there like reign boy)...

like when swaggart got caught beating off with prostitutes. now that's hard to beat. but an outspoken anti-homo senator that gets caught cruising the restroom at an airport? that's priceless.

Bingo. Being the 3rd incident in less than a month doesn't hurt the humor factor either. :laugh:
You're really a sick fuck you know it?

Interesting. You provide photos of stupid people & call me names.

You are beginning to push buttons you don't want to push. Go back & read the red desription of the RW. You've been on a personal crusade against me. It had better end.

If you believe that people of Jewish decent are evil is that hatred?
Not necessaritly. Acting on that belief would be. The bible says that homosexuality is wrong. It doesn't say shit about Jews.
Not necessaritly. Acting on that belief would be.

Right so acting ona belief against homosexuals is wrong too.

The bible says that homosexuality is wrong.

No, it doesn't really. See previous debates with Gotholic.

Since when did you become a bible thumper anyway. What's wrong is teaching children to hate people simply because they're different.

It doesn't say shit about Jews.

There's plenty of other books that say Jews are evil. It must be true!
Right so acting ona belief against homosexuals is wrong too.
Yes. Did I suggest otherwise?

No, it doesn't really. See previous debates with Gotholic.
'If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

What's wrong is teaching children to hate people simply because they're different.
The only ones spreading hate around here are you two libs.