Follow up question to Nalani´s "what do you do ..


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Follow up question to Nalani's "what do you do ..."...

Follow up question to Nalani's "what do you do ..."...

What do you want to do??? Happy with what you are doing now?? Or looking for somthing "better"???

Me, I like what I do now (SQA), but I figure that someday the computer industry and I will part ways. Or at least form a different kind of relationship. I've already been in the industry for 10+ years now. I can't really imagine being in for more than 20 or 25 years (although I know lots of people who've done so).

I'm thinking that in my next career, maybe I'll build furniture (love my power tools - and Norm on New Yankee Workshop) - or maybe Interior Design - or maybe Graphic Arts.

So, what will it be for you all?
I have been in a transformation state for a bit here. I started out strickly in the hardware side and have made my way thru networking and software. Now im heading into the programming areana.
I started out with the intent of becoming a developer. Decided that in 10th grade after figuring that I would not be a good interpreter after all (nearly failed French - aced Latin though). I went into QA as a stepping stone to Development. But I found out along that way that QA was an interesting and fairly new field unto itself and now I don't really have any interest in Development anymore. Nice thing is, I do get to satifsfy my coding urges every now and again with automated testing.
There are two:

1. President of the US. (yes, really)


2. A photographer for whatever label signs lorrimar's band or something like Nat. Geo. where I could travel the world and take really cool pictures of really cool shit. I would also like to the be the official presidential photographer. (that is, if i'm not the official president already)
My ambitions aren't that high as those from ....

I'd like to be a manager of some company in the aerospace industry...
Head of design or something like that :)
i posted this is nals thread but im still in college and im hoping to do something with psychology. namely criminal psychology. i want to see if theres a way to talk to rapists molesters and killers see why they did what they did and see if theres a way to stop something like that before it happens. also marine biologist is something that intrests me.
Originally posted by freako104
i posted this is nals thread but im still in college and im hoping to do something with psychology. namely criminal psychology. i want to see if theres a way to talk to rapists molesters and killers see why they did what they did and see if theres a way to stop something like that before it happens. also marine biologist is something that intrests me.

Psychology - interesting field. I took Psych 101 in college. We had to pick from a selection of grad student research projects to participate in as part of the course. I picked one where this guy was measuring responses to visual and auditory stimulation and comparing "normal" people with "criminally insane" people.

He explained the experiment to me afterwards and I asked him how I measured up. He did not think that was very funny.
Originally posted by freako104
i posted this is nals thread but im still in college and im hoping to do something with psychology. namely criminal psychology. i want to see if theres a way to talk to rapists molesters and killers see why they did what they did and see if theres a way to stop something like that before it happens. also marine biologist is something that intrests me.

holycow .. those are diverse areas ... if you're truly looking into marine biology, you'll have to come out here to study. The University of Hawai'i (both the Hilo and Manoa campuses) have the best marine sciences departments ever. :)
doing architecture, want to be an architect and practice as long as i can.

without design i would be only half who i am, if i stopped doing it it i think i'd be a lot less happy.
what do I want to be when I grow up?

I don't know. I don't know really what I want to do or if I'm actually doing what I want to do .. I like my job .. I like the fact that it keeps me near my family and my children ... I've been thinking a lot about my life and future lately ... and to be honest, nothing seems to make any sense ...
being born is not asked, death is inevitable......
life doesn't makes sense......

however, i enjoy being here, future could worry me, but i'm more concerned about "right now".