Foot in the Grave

Take away the tobasco, add a squirt of Coke, you got yourself a good old fasioned Long Island Ice Tea.
I'm not a big fan of mixed drinks. Never really seen the point of it. After the first couple, your taste buds are dead weight.
Professur said:
I'm not a big fan of mixed drinks. Never really seen the point of it. After the first couple, your taste buds are dead weight.

i once drank so much rum, that after a bit i could drink it like water, without feeling any cringe at all, you're right.
Of course i drank so much that night i passed out and woke up at a mates house about 15 miles away, apparently i was carried there in the back of a flatbed like a corpse and dumped on the sofa :D
keep drinking those rum things and you will have one foot in

the best thing to do about drinking is never start. i'm a guy who can tell you what it is really like to spend your life as a drunk.
thats why im trying to quit. it started after HS and i realised that now even though its a community college, i dont want to keep relying on alchol. but i do drink from time to time but its hard to quit. hell i quit smoking a year in Feb and i still need one.
Flaming Dr. Pepper's are pretty cool...until you have a couple after drinking 18 bottles of beer. Ohhhhhhh how painful.....