for those who want the pledge changed

Originally posted by s4
yeah but i sure had a lot of fun getting you folks talking. isn't that what a good supermod does? i mean think about it.

there is a difference between talking and arguing - that too is something to think about.
maybe but you can't tell me that you didn't put a lot of effort into telling me what ya think. do you think you would have put so much effort into it if i had posted something everyone agrees on? we have an interesting topic going here.
Originally posted by s4
maybe but you can't tell me that you didn't put a lot of effort into telling me what ya think. do you think you would have put so much effort into it if i had posted something everyone agrees on? we have an interesting topic going here.

I'd rather put effort into a reply that doesn't make me mumble "dumbassstoopidsunuvabitchdon'tknowshitaboutnothin" time and time again ... :p

Now your sorry ass owes me a case of beer, s4 .. and none of the crap stuff .. I want Guiness!!! BRINGITON!!!!!
here ya go. one whole case of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Enjoy!!! :headbang: :D


pabst_box.jpg, 10.54kb

Originally posted by s4
here ya go. one whole case of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Enjoy!!! :headbang: :D

umm... errr..... I do believe I said "none of the crap stuff" *smacks you silly* hehehehe

Guiness, brother .. Bring it on ...
Originally posted by s4
unc don't got thinking you are so superior just because i and others are not willing to put our best foot forward in a lengthy debate here. everything i and most others said was off the cuff. if i were to really get into a debate on this issue, it might get rather intense and i would have to dig a lot of religious stuff to support my viewpoint.

the fact of the matter is that i do believe in God and feel pity or sometime apathy towards those who don't.

i don't want this country turned into a Godless society that has no sense of right and wrong. if you don't believe in God then there is a pretty good chance you may think killing and everything else that makes our society live in fear is also acceptable.

i'm not going to spend all day trying to draft a argument for keeping the pledge the same here at BS Central

s4 i ahve a few questions for you. first why not get into a debate? do you not want to look into other religions or learn more about your own? also may i aks why you feel sympathy for some who dont believe in god and apathy for those who dont? why wouldnt you feel sympathy for everyone who doesnt? and this society has been godless for a while now. in other posts ive commented on the fact that god hsa been taken out of schools, people are accepting more and more religions(wicca and pagan in general are being more accepted than they were in the past). and why do you say theres a good chance that atheists,agnostics,satanists(though i classify under atheists if in levayan sense),pagans,and others are going to accept killing? where did that come from? christians have killed too. the inqusition and crusuades come to mind. and in terms of being godless and not knowing right and wrong, everyone has different morals depending upon how they are raised. i dont see how being godless will change that. finally unc isnt on a high horse actully i agree with his post and ill admit im one of the ones that dont see the big picture although im trying to. and to be honest i feel that chrsitians deserve the same rihts to be able to express their religion in anyway they choose but i dont see why we all should subscribe to that belief sysytem. the first amendment reads freedom of religion. that means that all religions are welcome.
try these out

U.S. treaty signed by President Adams. In 1797 the United States entered into a treaty with Tripoli, in which it was declared:
"As the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquillity [sic] of Musselmen . . . it is declared . . . that no pretext arising from religious opinion shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." This treaty was written under Washington's presidency, and it was ratified by Congress under John Adams, signed by Adams.

The phrase "wall of separation between church and state" originated with a letter written by President Thomas Jefferson. President Thomas Jefferson coined this phrase in a carefully crafted letter to the Danbury Baptists of Connecticut in 1802. It has since been widely picked up and invoked in major Supreme Court decisions.

By an Act of Congress, U.S. currency has carried the motto "In God We Trust" since 1957. In 1955, Congress passed a law requiring that "In God We Trust" appear on all U.S. coins and currency. The first paper currency with the motto appeared in 1957. "In God We Trust" did appear occasionally on a few coins, starting with a 2-cent piece in the 1860s, in an attempt to put "God" on the side of the north during the Civil War. In 1956, an Act of Congress adopted "In God We Trust" as a national motto. The original motto, "E Pluribus Unum" ("out of many, one,") celebrating plurality, still appears on the Presidential Seal and on some paper currency.

The oath of office does not mention a deity or the bible:

"Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:--'I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.' " [U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 1] This is the only oath given in the Constitution.
The oath of office does not mention a deity or the bible:

Although it has been traditionally taken with one hand on the Bible, Theodore Roosevelt did not do that at his first inauguration. (Not that I'm a big fan of his, just pointing that out.)
gonz, thats all news to me thanx for posting that. learn something new everyday. in fact i didnt know Thomas Jefferson did in fact call for a separation of Church and State. i had thought that was just something thought up for peoples rights. again thanx Gonz.