forced diet ...


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I went to the Evil Spawn of Satan Endodontist .. actually, he was really nice - I liked him. He even let me see what he was doing - gross, but cool. Anyway, it seems I have some damage to my jaw bone and, in an attempt to help it heal, I can't put any pressure on it ... that means, I can't eat. *sigh* ... Not only can I not eat, but I can't drink anything hot or cold - there is no filling on the tooth that had the root canal treatment done - just this piece of clayish stuff ...

So, when can I eat? February 11th if all goes well.

I swear, I better get skinny :D
Forced diesting really blows:grumpy:

...It's pretty amazing what you can comsume with a straw and/or not having to chew though.:headbang:
Squiggy - I doubt that very much LOL

Q - you know what really bites though? I can't suck - that puts pressure on my jaw and my tooth without the filling. And everything has to be room temperature ... I bought some Slim Fast shakes thinking if I can't eat, I'd at least give those a shot ... the commercials are LIARS! They aren't thick and creamy ... and they don't taste good either .. bastards

The orange pineapple ones are pretty good....but I like them cold. Just about everything room temp kinda sucks. :(

Looks like you better buy a buncha jello and pudding.
*flashbacks of being in labor and only allowed to eat jell-o and clear broth*

OMG, and that was only for 30-some hours! *hugs nalani* :(
so anyway ... why do you have to wait so long with a temporary clay thing in your mouth? is it because they're waiting for you to regenerate on your own, or is it because that's the only time slot they can give you? bastards.
kuulani said:
you can drink red wine at room temp :cocktail:

how bad can it be then, after about an hour of red wine those slim fast shakes won't seem so bad. Seriously, that really sucks nalani, i don't like anyone fu- screwing with my head, especially not for a month at a time.
kuulani said:
so anyway ... why do you have to wait so long with a temporary clay thing in your mouth? is it because they're waiting for you to regenerate on your own, or is it because that's the only time slot they can give you? bastards.

couple of reasons - they're waiting to see if my bone is going to regenerate. When it does, they'll put a real filling and then I have to await a crown. If not, they have to pull the tooth and work on the bone. They don't want to put time and money into the filling if the tooth needs to come out. The other reason is so that any left-over disease can "drain", if need be.

But they're still bastards :D
can't suck for how long? I need to make sure that I don't set up conflicting visitation plans :D

Is the water flouridated by mean mr Government out there.. or is the compound on well water?
unclehobart said:
can't suck for how long? I need to make sure that I don't set up conflicting visitation plans :D

[whisper] psstt ... come at the end of March .. all should be well with the jaw and teeth should be smoothed out by then ;) :D
Hmm... I might be on a 10 day death hike with my uncle in march. Its all so last minute and fluid in my life with plans and whatnot that I cant rightly say where I'll be from day to day.
It was.. but this was the uncle with the wife that had the whole cancer incident. All plans were derailed. Were trying to get it back online again once shes done with chemo.

In any case, a 10 day run on the trail only equates to a 150 mile+ stretch out of a 2100 mile trail. It would be at least 10 different segments that would have to be knocked out. The old plans were for me to join up with him and his partner in upstate Pennsylvania. Now we are talking about starting from the southern terminus here in GA... which happens to be the second roughest part of the trail.