Forced starvation of the obese coming soon

minkey...the fact that even a couple of morons in public office are actually willing to publically bring forth such a stupid plan doesn't bode well on the long term outlook.

Once the idea is introduced, it usually gains steam because it's for the children/common good/saves me money (can you say universal healthcare) and th erpress will cary the story-selling it along the way.
dude, no one is going to support that shit. it's fucking stupid. even the ultramegafoodpolice (about 33% of the world's population of them live in my zip code) may spew forth a couple random ejaculations, but they'll then go back to composting and wallowing in their smugness.

this is one of those "i woulda paid a lot to see the reaction that one." right. ban obese people from restaurants. in mississippi.

dude, no one is going to support that shit. it's fucking stupid. even the ultramegafoodpolice (about 33% of the world's population of them live in my zip code) may spew forth a couple random ejaculations, but they'll then go back to composting and wallowing in their smugness.

this is one of those "i woulda paid a lot to see the reaction that one." right. ban obese people from restaurants. in mississippi.


Would you have the same reaction if this had been hoisted in California?

might get a little more airtime there, but would it really go anywhere? nope. it's just stupid.

now trans fats are a different story, because if you have a heart condition, they are poison. really. and this is not just a figment of a bunch of left coast pinkos. ask your MD. should they be banned? no. but should there be disclosure of where they are used? of course.

might get a little more airtime there, but would it really go anywhere? nope. it's just stupid.

Ever hear this saying? "So goes California, so goes the nation."

now trans fats are a different story, because if you have a heart condition, they are poison. really. and this is not just a figment of a bunch of left coast pinkos. ask your MD. should they be banned? no. but should there be disclosure of where they are used? of course.

We were told to avoid dairy products in favor of trans-fats for thirty years; and now they are telling us to avoid the trans-fats in favor of dairy. The food pyramid used to be a square. Coffee would stop your heart so go to decaf; but wait, decaf will stop your heart so drink the real stuff. Oat bran will help your heart; or maybe not. Alar on apples will give youre kids cancer; opps, no it won't. Cyclamates will give you cancer but only if you eat it by the pound on a daily basis.

Food warnings and scares are just that. I will live my life until it is spent. Only then will I stop enjoying myself to the fullest.
dude, no one is going to support that shit. it's fucking stupid. even the ultramegafoodpolice (about 33% of the world's population of them live in my zip code) may spew forth a couple random ejaculations, but they'll then go back to composting and wallowing in their smugness.

It's the year 2008. We are actually having court battles over homosexual marriage. Can you tell me that the reaction you are having wasn't the EXACT same one had about that particular slope in 1959?
there's no question that there's lots of alarmism out there. but every once in a while, "they" get the right idea. the transfats issue is well established. most major food companies either have or are in the process of pulling 'em. there's a reason for that, that goes beyond the worries of millions of "safety moms."

you go ahead and live life to its fullest. enjoy your downer cattle.
It's the year 2008. We are actually having court battles over homosexual marriage. Can you tell me that the reaction you are having wasn't the EXACT same one had about that particular slope in 1959?

wow. yeah. maybe we shoulda fought harder against civil rights, too?

and besides, who cares if homos wanna get married?

oh, right, that one again.

you know, some of the fights you pick to get real panties-tangled about are just silly. but you have a solid allies in the taliban and them mullahs or whatever in iran for most of them opinions!

oh shit i just realized that women can vote!

better go smack my girl down!

It's the year 2008. We are actually having court battles over homosexual marriage. Can you tell me that the reaction you are having wasn't the EXACT same one had about that particular slope in 1959?

Nice non-sequitir, but you don't suppose by any chance that people in 1959 had, perhaps, other things to think about than what a few homosexuals did, do you? I guess mybe you don't reckon there were any back in "the good old days."

When will people realize that over-indulgence in anything is harmful?

Living is hazardous to your health.
I've noticed that myself. Sometimes I even stop overindulging for a bit. ;)
there's no question that there's lots of alarmism out there. but every once in a while, "they" get the right idea. the transfats issue is well established. most major food companies either have or are in the process of pulling 'em. there's a reason for that, that goes beyond the worries of millions of "safety moms."

They are pulling them because they are more interested in the bottom line than trying to argue the point. A willing press has pounded this into the American psyche just as they did back when they pounded it into us on how much better trans-fats were than real dairy products. Yet THIS time you believe they got it right.

I have said for some time now that the reason this country will fall is political correctness and those, like yourself, who will march to its tune and believe everything they are told instead of doing the investigating on their own.

I have lived my life to the fullest. I never gave up butter and whole milk for the trans-fats; and now it appears that I did the right thing all along -- or at least until they change the tune again. You, on the other hand, likely changed your lifestyle for the cause of the moment and filled your body with trans-fats and shirked the dairy products -- just like you were supposed to do.

March on, Pal, march on.
I have said for some time now that the reason this country will fall is political correctness and those, like yourself, who will march to its tune and believe everything they are told instead of doing the investigating on their own.


you have no idea what i eat, drink, or perhaps even smoke, jim. but i guess i'm not that much of a rebel. i haven't had foie gras for a couple days.

you act like you're this shrewd independent thinker but every fucking view you have is pretty much pre-scripted down a certain, very well established ideological path. you then proceed to project that level of rod-up-the-backside adherence onto other people. guess what? not so accurate, pal. not so accurate.
And the reason this country will fall is the same reason Rome did. Or the Soviet Union for that matter.