Starya said:
When you get used to it, you read it so fast you barely even notice you're reading it.
My only problem is when the subs are messed up. "Oh geez, they got it wrong again.."
Heh, I found some examples of foul ups, but I guess thay are more entertaining for me than any of you. With the Norwegian and all...
I'm gonna try translating some translated bloopers just to se how that works out..
"This is your father's light sabre"
*Translation: This is your father's light [as in: not heavy] sabre.
"I would neuter you"
* I would neutralize you.
"A man with homocidal tendensies"
*A man with homosexual tendencies.
"There is nothing left"
* There is nothing to the left.
And then there is the old tale of the ski jumper who was asked by some English speaking people how he was able to jump so far:
"Vell, først ju have tu start vith a big fart..."