Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bioengineered

Of course, so?

When you farm livestock commercially, you do so in tightly group environments, and have to use antibiotics to keep the animals healthy. The e.coli in said animals' colons can develop defences against said antiB's - so the farmers switch. Once food matter passes through the digestive tract, it becomes infected with e/coli that has AB suppressive properties. Commercial farms sell off their poop to regular farmers. e.coli can survive for months outside of the body. have resistant e.coli being shipped and used on farmers fields. The e.coli can and does survive on the seeds planted and the seedlings, and the veg.

Voila! e.coli's European Vacation. June 2011
There is a history of this stuff working. It needs to be used carefully or you can turn blue (oh. and turning blue does not hurt you). However, with silver sol, you will not turn blue. ;)

Dude...use penicillin. No technicolour side-effects :)
Which piece of food (no herbs) is FDA approved to treat an ailment?

The ones turned into "D" for Drugs.
Beta-carrotine - from carrots
Omega fatty acids - from fish fat
Penecillin - from bread molds and I believe mare urine - I can look it up but I've no time
If you're looking for a headache, but more direct and proven information on the 2011 strain and it's relation to the 2001 Germanic strain, go here:

This latest evidence that the previously 2001 German strain is the most likely ancestor of the 2011 outbreak strain. This may imply that fast evolution resulted in the gain of more genes during the last 10 years

Compare this and the test results from the Multi Locus Sequence Typing vs. the 'conclusions based on conjecture' below to see what should be a plain indicator of the differences between science and conspiracy theory
Although the actual process is more complicated than this, the upshot is that creating a strain of e.coli that’s resistant to eight classes of antibiotics requires repeated, sustained expose to those antibiotics. It is virtually impossible to imagine how this could happen all by itself in the natural world. For example, if this bacteria originated in the food (as we’ve been told), then where did it acquire all this antibiotic resistance given the fact that antibiotics are not used in vegetables?
i think it's time for both of you to quit spouting half-baked nonsense.

What gets me is that not 4 days before the 'bioengineered' article came out and scared all the conspiracy theorists...the same guy wrote in the same paper about how it was all the fault of the use of antibiotics in mass-farming of animals.

The plugged product then wasn't colloidal silver but small home farms and ethical animal farms. The scary monster was still antibiotics though...I'll give him that much.
We the problem being fooled by the elite to support their hi-lifestyle, Selling us a bill of goods painted to look as if they have great value.

Gosh, If I was on top of that I would want more government control to ensure my "capitalism" too. -- Animal Spirit.
European e.coli superbug is going up your butt

its only called a racket if you aren't collecting the profits

its only called a loophole by those that can't take advantage of it

anyone who doesn't aspire to riches is either lazy or a liar
We the problem being fooled by the elite to support their hi-lifestyle, Selling us a bill of goods painted to look as if they have great value.

awwww, poor you.

a silly little class war narrative. rise up! you have nothing to lose but your chains LOL...


but i like your hair. think winky does too.
awwww, poor you.

a silly little class war narrative. rise up! you have nothing to lose but your chains LOL...
I read that the inability to detect sarcasm is a sign pending dementia.

Please, sell me something I don't even want. I hear Newt is looking for your skills set.
What gets me is that not 4 days before the 'bioengineered' article came out and scared all the conspiracy theorists...the same guy wrote in the same paper about how it was all the fault of the use of antibiotics in mass-farming of animals.

The plugged product then wasn't colloidal silver but small home farms and ethical animal farms. The scary monster was still antibiotics though...I'll give him that much.

The guy admits it is possible that it was just too much antibiotic use. Also, colloidal silver can be homemade.
I read that the inability to detect sarcasm is a sign pending dementia.

wow, sure had me fooled, seems like a fairly logical extension of some of your other bullshit, as it does involve whining about those other people. fits right in. sometimes sarcasm gives away a lot more than intended, young man.
no one gets out alive

I've managed to make it past the half century mark
with no problems and now I've got Osamacare
so all my worries are gone