Fortune cookies


New Member
I've gotten two interesting fortune cookie fortunes recently:

"Your fortune is in another cookie."


"If you gamble, it will be your downfall."

Now what made that second one so special is that printed right below that message were "[My] lucky numbers". :D
I've gotten two interesting fortune cookie fortunes recently:

"Your fortune is in another cookie."


"If you gamble, it will be your downfall."

Now what made that second one so special is that printed right below that message were "[My] lucky numbers". :D

Didja play 'em? Huh? Huh? Didja?

Now, that would be ignoring the cookie's cautioning message about gambling :p
Another one I remember said, "The future isn't what it used to be."

But I think I've heard that somewhere before.
I always read them, then add the words "in bed"

makes them funnier.

[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] You find beauty in ordinary things, do not lose this bed :beerbang:
Ideas are like children; there are none so wonderful as your bed :eek:
It takes more than good memory to have good bed :eek10:
A thrilling time is in your immediate bed :wink2:

Well...funnier, sometimes.:devil:

It doesn't have to be dirty... "Ideas are like children; there are none so wonderful as your bed" could be that there are no children so wonderful as your own when they're sleeping. I often hear parents say that they rather enjoy the quiet time when their kids are sleeping...
I always read them, then add the words "in bed"

makes them funnier.

"with a chainsaw" can also create some comedic gold :)

i have one that says, "you will always be surrounded by true friends" and another that says "true friends will always surround you" :)

i think one of my favorites was "don't worry, it will all be ok"
Just got two more...

"Yes, and with someone you know." This one is great for adding "in bed"! :D

...and, "Disregard previous cookie." :retard4:
It doesn't have to be dirty... "Ideas are like children; there are none so wonderful as your bed" could be that there are no children so wonderful as your own when they're sleeping. I often hear parents say that they rather enjoy the quiet time when their kids are sleeping...

Actually, I take that particular "in bed" to be much, much dirtier than a lot of others. Like, FLDS dirty.
Hmm... Let's take some guesses:

Fucking Like Dirty as Shit
Fucking Lovable Dirty Shit
Fucking Low-Down Shit
For Love of Dirty Shit
Foxy Lady Does ...umm, Shit?
Freaky Lewd Dirty Shit
Fucking Lucky Dirty Shorts

... Actually it's the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Why it's not FCJCLDS? Don't ask me. Or they could put in some extra letters, like the 'u' from the first word and then the 'o's from both 'of's and you'd have... FuCoJCoLDS, an acronym you can actually pronounce! "Hey, those fuckojcolds are at it again!"

A cult in Texas with people who marry at 13 and have hundreds of children while being whipped and beaten.
Thank you Inkara1 for turning me on to!
That ranch in Texas where they were marrying off girls and having them have babies at 13 or 14, then the feds came in and took the kids through some sort of God-awful conspiracy because it obviously must be a ploy to get more money for CPS... that was the Fundamentalist LDS church. They were doing it on the Arizona/Utah border but the law was catching up with them there so Warren Jeffs bought a giant ranch in Texas.