Freddie Mac's CFO - suicide

So if your willing to settle for suicide that would mean you are not as against it as you have previously stated.

I believe that he now resides in Hell.

Remember this?

Suicide, the destruction of the image of God, is the only unrepentant sin. If there were any such thing as postmortem repentance, Hell would be empty.

Oh no Jim you seemed quite clear when you said "I have stated for many years that the legitimization of killing at any level legitimizes killing at every level."

Now however it's something your willing to settle for. You are legitimizing it.

That's one hell of a flip flop.

Swing and a miss!

I was speaking about legalized abortion. You are equating the murder of the unborn with their committing suicide. The babies don't just leap from the womb and hang themselves with their umbilical cords.

I have also stated, quite unequivocally, that I am a proponent of the death penalty for those who have harmed others. Unborn babies have harmed no one.

When I posted "I have stated for many years that the legitimization of killing at any level legitimizes killing at every level." I was speaking of the murder of the unborn being extended to the infirm, the aged, the crippled, and the mentally deficient. As I recall, that was said in a couple of threads on abortion and on socialized health care. I assume that you copied what I said from THIS THREAD wherein doctors in Switzerland were preparing to kill (murder) a healthy woman because her husband was going to commit suicide.

Again, try reading for comprehension and stop just posting shit out of context to suit your agenda.
I believe that he now resides in Hell.

Remember this?

Suicide, the destruction of the image of God, is the only unrepentant sin. If there were any such thing as postmortem repentance, Hell would be empty.

Swing and a miss!

I was speaking about legalized abortion. You are equating the murder of the unborn with their committing suicide. The babies don't just leap from the womb and hang themselves with their umbilical cords.

I have also stated, quite unequivocally, that I am a proponent of the death penalty for those who have harmed others. Unborn babies have harmed no one.

When I posted "I have stated for many years that the legitimization of killing at any level legitimizes killing at every level." I was speaking of the murder of the unborn being extended to the infirm, the aged, the crippled, and the mentally deficient. As I recall, that was said in a couple of threads on abortion and on socialized health care. I assume that you copied what I said from THIS THREAD wherein doctors in Switzerland were preparing to kill (murder) a healthy woman because her husband was going to commit suicide.

Again, try reading for comprehension and stop just posting shit out of context to suit your agenda.

You know there is this thing, perhaps you've heard of it, it's called, FREE WILL!

You are entitled to your opinion about it, but in such matters I think all you conservatives need a big steamin' hot cup of MIND YER OWN FUCKIN' BUSINESS!!!
You know there is this thing, perhaps you've heard of it, it's called, FREE WILL!

You are entitled to your opinion about it, but in such matters I think all you conservatives need a big steamin' hot cup of MIND YER OWN FUCKIN' BUSINESS!!!
Oh, RJ... silly, silly boy. *tousles RandomJackass' hair* Don't you know? Everyone's business[/i] IS the business of the conservatives! It's their job, nay... their calling to have complete dictatorial authority over all aspects of our lives, be it socioeconomic, political, censorship, religion, whatever, and to disguise the oppression and theocratic rule under the big banner of unyielding, fanatical nationalism and strict religious devotion.
I believe that he now resides in Hell.

Remember this?

Suicide, the destruction of the image of God, is the only unrepentant sin. If there were any such thing as postmortem repentance, Hell would be empty.

OMG a horrible awful sin that you "are willing to settlre for". Sounds like you are legitimizing this sin and killing at this level.

Also you don't know if there's such a thing as postmortem repentance and you won't know until you're postmortem.

Swing and a miss!

I was speaking about legalized abortion.

Nope, you were speaking about a woman who wanted to die along side her fatally ill husband. Talk about a swing and a miss! :laugh:

I have also stated, quite unequivocally, that I am a proponent of the death penalty for those who have harmed others.

So you legitimize killing at this level too? That again means you legitimize it at every level according to you.

When I posted "I have stated for many years that the legitimization of killing at any level legitimizes killing at every level." I was speaking of the murder of the unborn being extended to the infirm, the aged, the crippled, and the mentally deficient.

Nope, you were speaking about a woman who wanted to die along side her fatally ill husband.

I assume that you copied what I said from THIS THREAD wherein doctors in Switzerland were preparing to kill (murder) a healthy woman because her husband was going to commit suicide.

Weird that you would say it was about abortion above and then contradict yourself here. :rofl3:

Again, try reading for comprehension

The only one lacking comprehension here is you Jim. I'm just calling you out on multiple contradictions.