Free, internet, outbound fax services

Leslie said:

Thanks Les!
We had a setup at my last big job... outbound and inbound faxes using Outlook. Instead of using an email addy, you typed in reciever@<fax number here> and off it went. Everyone had their own fax# and inbound faxes went to email.

Works wonders. :)
You'd figure that with VoIP going the way it's going that soon, LD faxes will go the way of the Dodo.

then again...that's what they said about email destroying faxes. Seems that they had forgotten about signing docs.
MrBishop said:
You'd figure that with VoIP going the way it's going that soon, LD faxes will go the way of the Dodo.

then again...that's what they said about email destroying faxes. Seems that they had forgotten about signing docs.

Um ... no. I've got a digital signature on this machine right here. Many people have legally registered digital signatures.
The mental image of Gonz cringing
at the sound of dial-up brought an evil smile
to my craggy face!

Sad indeed, a guy that is soon to have fiber to the curb
has to resort to telegraph era technology to transmit
data because there are primitive people who still
insist on using Fucs machines.

Congress is great at passing useless inane laws,
I say jail all the Fucs machine owners! Jeebus!
Professur said:
Um ... no. I've got a digital signature on this machine right here. Many people have legally registered digital signatures. for some. I've got one for myself and use it in Adobe writer... for many, only the real deal will work.

"Please sign here" means pick up your pen and affix your signature.

Digital signatures work well if the doc stays digital... if you're faxing that document to an old-fashioned fax machine...well.

I bypass that with a digital image of my signature and/or a scanned original in .pdf

Still a lot of people who prefer paper over email.

The paperless society is still decades away :(