FREE Orchids!


New Member

I just visited my Orchid forum and found a thread by a guy who has over a 1000 orchids and he's shipping them for FREE. You have to be in the US because he's shipping US Mail only.

He doesn't have any Phals at all, these are more exotic types of orchids. The list price for a lot of these start in the $50-$100. range. You can do a google image search to look at pictures of them and I can give you as much info as you want.

This guy is for real, this isn't bullshit. He's a well known member of the board and has shipped tons of plants in the past. I vouch for him and the validity of what he's offering.

Here are the threads, just scroll through and look for his posts (his username is Persistence) and it will tell you what he has to ship. He just wants an email with two things: what kinds of orchids you want and your full mailing address.


His email address:

[email protected] :laugh:
Forgot to mention, don't post about paying anything for this on the Gardenweb forums. They don't like it when you offer money for plants or shipping. I sent my email to him and asked him to give me his return address so I can return the favor. If he sends me anything, I'll calculate the shipping and send him the S&H costs. He doesn't want money but I'm going to give it anyway.

Also, send the email as soon as possible, he's already gotten over 300 emails.
greenfreak said:
You have to be in the US because he's shipping US Mail only.

But mainly because of phitozoosanitary control and inspections at the customs.

I hope he sends you some nice orchids gf.
Good point Luis! I never consider that, I always buy from US sources.

Yeah, I hope I get some at all. It sounds like there were tons of people who responded and he got even more orchids a few days after the first truckload. The story is that there was an orchid grower who was bulldozing the building and land and he went over and asked the construction crew if he could "save" the plants. They agreed and held off while he loaded up his truck. Apparently, the first shipment he walked away with over 800 plants. :eek:
i love having plants around, but nearly everything i touch dies shortly thereafter. the only exception is a plant i've had sitting in a bottle of water for the last five years or so. it has all of about 5 leaves, but it seems to be surviving quite happily, about 4 times a year i give it about a 1/2 cup of water.
Spot said:
damn...wish i had read this earlier...oh well...

:confuse3: He may still have some left, you may as well try emailing him. What's the worst that could happen, he says he doesn't have anymore?

Last count, he had over 2000 plants. Even with 300+ people emailing him, that's over 5 plants each. I don't know that he's going to send that many to each person, or that each person wants that many.

If I get an email from him, I'll let you know. In the meantime, I'll keep checking those threads to see if there's any updates.

Tommy, if that plant isn't meant to live in water only, that's pretty impressive that you've kept it that way so long. I can grow some of my plants that way too but eventually I wind up potting them. If you like them in water, they won't grow that much but it's a lot easier, right?
i don't even know what kind of plant it is, and at this point i don't think i could get it out of the bottle without killing it, the root base has had plenty of room to expand and i doubt it would fit up the neck of the bottle. besides, my plant and i have a good relationship, it's low maintainence and i have CRSS.
hey GF....why are my peace lilies dying? brown spots on the leaves....air too dry? is it a bad omen?
greenfreak said:
The story is that there was an orchid grower who was bulldozing the building and land and he went over and asked the construction crew if he could "save" the plants. They agreed and held off while he loaded up his truck. Apparently, the first shipment he walked away with over 800 plants. :eek:

Looks like there's a lot of that going around .... construction crews saving the plants, I mean ... :headbang:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
gf, my email to him bounced back :crying3:

Suppose his mailbox is full? Should I try again? Have you heard from him?

You're probably right about his mailbox being full. I would keep trying, he might clean it out to allow for more emails or he might let it stay full because he needs to catch up on shipping them out before accepting anymore emails. I haven't heard from him but I don't expect to either. He's doing so much work, getting the emails, picking out plants, packing them up, shipping them out... I'm sure he's not going to reply to every email. He'll probably just update those two threads and he hasn't as of today.

If I do hear from him, I'll let you know. :)

What did you want, out of curiosity? I asked for Cattleyas and Laelias, then a few other things that he mentioned he had, that I forgot the names of. I told him I couldn't accept more than 20 plants. I'm sure what's going to happen is everyone will want the more popular plants and he'll have a ton of Dendrobiums, Miltoniopsis, and bulbos because they're not as popular as the others.
tonks said:
hey GF....why are my peace lilies dying? brown spots on the leaves....air too dry? is it a bad omen?

Inkara has a peace lily too. When he first told me about it, I gave him some info and some links too. If you do a search for "peace lily", you'll find it. I don't really know much about them except that they can be pretty tempermental about their light and watering conditions. From what I remember, they need a lot of humidity. That might be your problem. For my orchids, to increase the humidity, I have trays I set them on that have pebbles in the bottom. I fill the trays to the top of the pebbles with water (but not above the bottom of the pot, that's bad for the roots) and they seem to like it. I'm also going to get a humidifier too, it gets really dry in my house in the winter.
GF, i'm in southern louisiana...lots of humidity. i have had these guys for a long's an all of a sudden thing. they are not near each other so i really can't be a parasite....i thought that since the heat has come on......
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I asked for Cattleyas, Dendrobiums and Cymbidiums... any combination... :D

Would these be your first orchids besides Phals? The Catts aren't so bad with the amount of care, if you have enough light to give them. But Dens are a bitch to get to flower. They require really low temps at night to grow flowers--I remember reading something about 50-60 degrees. I have one Den nobile that I bought with buds on it and it wound up having spider mites that attacked it. If this one dies, I'm not getting another one. :D

Oh and I asked for Catts, Laelias, Cyms, and two others I can't remember the names of.
tonks said:
GF, i'm in southern louisiana...lots of humidity. i have had these guys for a long's an all of a sudden thing. they are not near each other so i really can't be a parasite....i thought that since the heat has come on......

Found this for ya:

Subject: Brown Spots On Peace Lily
Q. Dear Dutch Gardener, I have a Peace Lily that will not produce the white flower. Why not? Also, the green leaves are getting brown spots on them and the ends are turning brown. Why? Thank you.

A. We should call the Peace Lily (also called the Eucharist Lily) the lily of mystery. Why? No one knows what triggers it to bloom. Florists have hundreds of plants in their greenhouses. Then, for no apparent reason, they all bloom at once. Why?

Conventional horticultural wisdom would say fertilize lightly with a blooming or african violet fertilizer. Hight light etc. But on the other hand… where's that economist?

The brown spots and brown leaf edges suggest to me a need for potassium fertilizer. Back to the African violet fertilizer. In addition to that, low humidity in the home could be a factor. A home humidifier could help.

Alternatively, you could spray (spritz) the plants once a day. Change the source of your water. Water quality is often overlooked as a houseplant problem. If you have Grand Rapids or other city water, you don't have a problem. But if you have a water softener that uses salt, that will do in houseplants.

If you're on a well, try the water from a neighbor's well. Or buy distilled water and mix it half and half with your regular water.

This should get you started on the many possibilities involved in solving the problem.
For all my plants, I use plain ol tapwater but I fill up my 2 gallon watering can and leave it out on my table for as long as possible before using it so the chlorine burns off and it becomes room temperature. Then I have two smaller 1/2 gal watering cans that I use for the inside plants. I'm considering boiling water, letting it cool, then adding it to the big can to see if it makes a difference with the orchids.

At work, for my african violets, I use spring water and then top it off with hot water from the coffee machine to bring it warmer than room temperature. AV's love warm water.

I'm such a freak, you know that?
greenfreak said:
Would these be your first orchids besides Phals? The Catts aren't so bad with the amount of care, if you have enough light to give them. But Dens are a bitch to get to flower. They require really low temps at night to grow flowers--I remember reading something about 50-60 degrees. I have one Den nobile that I bought with buds on it and it wound up having spider mites that attacked it. If this one dies, I'm not getting another one. :D

Oh and I asked for Catts, Laelias, Cyms, and two others I can't remember the names of.

I've got one Den that blooms once a year or so... yeah... it's a real bitch. :D Love her anyway. :love3: