
Regardless of what thread you *want* it to be, remember that this is OT central. We could end up talking about the yellow-breasted nuthatch before all this is over and there's nothing you can do about it muhahaha :D

So Shadow, did you watch it last year? What were the main 'themes' so I know if you're a season behind?
I didn't watch it that often last year...I just saw a new epsiode 2 days ago, and that was one where Rachel was pregnant, and her dad visits Ross 'cause he abandoned her...while his gf Mona is with him :D

Ouch :D
umm... there are red breasted and white breasted and pygmy huthatches... Cant find a yeller one, mam'. : / :D
ok let me repharse that. let me say. no one should ever be able to post postive friends things.

That better?
no, cause that's how you feel about the show. and not everybody agrees on that :D

But it sounds a lot nicer already ;)
that's getting better're a quick learner :p

personally I'd go for in my opinion, everybody should hate 'friends', because [add your arguements here]

but that's me...