Frustration and job hunting

Went fishing and caught a shoe - aka Got calls from employers for jobs I never applied for/nor want. CV's can be fun..they can work, but sometimes, I get blindsided with weird people calling me. 2 messages re: my from a recruiter in Toronto (that's about 6 hours drive from my home and one hell of a commute)...they found my CV and tried to get me to go into sales again. I did sales...I failed sales...I hated sales...I don't sell.

The second looked more promising...a call from Reitmans

For a Marketing co-ordinator...or so the message said. Just got off the phone with the woman after a rousing game of phone-tag...they're looking for a 'tele'Marketing coordinator..actually, not really a coordinator, so much as a translator/babysitter for their tele-sales staff. I'd help the sales staff with their 'closing' techniques, translate working closing sentences from french to english or vice-versa, and maybe do some sales myself. So much for that!

Sigh...sales/tellemarketing recruiters drive me nuts!
Professur said:
Still nothing? Maybe Gonz could give you some tips. He seems to be getting the interviews he wants.
Yeah...and I can walk into a few hotels and get a job within the first hour or so, but that's not what I'm looking for... nor am I looking to become a trucker.

I'm looking for work in a small market with a glut of competition.
Gonz said:
There's your problem. Find a field that has more demand than bodies.
I'm trying to train myself to the point where I lower the competition daily. I know FlashMX...not a lot of Graphic designers know that...I'm learning Actionscript and trying to learn Java. Designers who can program are ever fewer and further between. It'll pay off.

Maybe I should've become a plumber or some other 'trade' where the supply is so low that companies recruit prior to completion of certification and pay the big bucks...but then again, that'd be sacrificing what I love to do (Design) with what I hate doing but pays more. :shrug: