fury is back online


Staff member
Got most of my stuff burned onto CD's. Most of the important stuff (DBZ), files I need to run the sites, and games I "lost the CD to" :D

I didn't have many CD's left though so I had to stop at DBZ episode 253 :(

But that doesn't matter anymore, I got a shitload of bandwidth :D

I tried to install Mandrake 8 and it crashed, tried to install Redhat 7 and the CD wouldn't even boot up, so I have to live with Win2k for now until I gather up the nerve to download Mandrake 9 or something.
fury said:
I tried to install Mandrake 8 and it crashed, tried to install Redhat 7 and the CD wouldn't even boot up, so I have to live with Win2k for now until I gather up the nerve to download Mandrake 9 or something.

jeebus fury, what are you trying to install to? eniac? personally i like my slackware, IMO it's not as ghetto rigged as RH or MDK.

good luck :headbang:
A piece of crap Athlon XP.

Downloading Mandrake 9 now :headbang:

I think my old CD's are past the expiration date (the ones with Redhat 7 and Mandrake 8), cause all my new ones are working just fine. I have 4 left, that'll be cutting it real close :eek:
i have a piece of crap XP, works fine for me :D

i'm not trying to bust your balls, just curious, do you have experience working/playing with anything *nix?
i like my gentoo desktop

i liked debian a lot too...

all my servers have freebsd on them...

watch out for major bitching in a week or two when i try to make oracle play nice with gentoo...
weird. mandrake ran perfectly on a P1-166 Dell computer here :D

running XP now here...and i can live with it after i spent 4 hrs configuring it so it didn't look like XP anymore...now it's just win2k with systemwide anti alias and short booting time :)

but still, if it weren't for the anti alias i'd still be using win2k :(
i really want to try out gentoo, i'm actually thinking of putting it on the laptop i got from school. speaking of which, does anybody know if this is possible... the laptop has winXP on it which is retardulous because it's only a p3-800 with 192M ram. is it possible to resize the ntfs xp partition using partition magic or some other (preferably free) tool, and install linux in it's place? furthermore, my school's network uses a domain which i'm not familiar with. is it possible to access the domain and any resources without giving the school admins root access? i'm pretty sure they won't appreciate me displacing windows with linux but that's not going to stop me for longer than it takes to download disc images.
tommyj27 said:
i really want to try out gentoo, i'm actually thinking of putting it on the laptop i got from school. speaking of which-

it works sparkly-nice on my old tosh laptop... 400 mhz of celeron goodness. that's what i'm posting from now. whoop-de-do :)
got around the stupid domain login so now i have total control over this stupid laptop, well, as much control as one has using windows. Time to ditch that shite.
Nambit, do you know if gentoo 1.4r2 is stable or full of bugs?
tommyj27 said:
got around the stupid domain login so now i have total control over this stupid laptop, well, as much control as one has using windows. Time to ditch that shite.
Nambit, do you know if gentoo 1.4r2 is stable or full of bugs?

AFAIK it's fairly okay. This laptop is running 1.2 tho because i'm too scared to attempt upgrading to GCC 3.2.

I'm also not entirely sure, but i have this feeling you can't compile the kernel with GCC 3.2. I may be wrong about that, however.

1.2 works for me, and with emerge being there I have bang up-to-date versions of everything in the world...

There seem to be lots of people on the gentoo mailing lists who're using 1.4 fine...

One thing to point out, the install process doesn't have any pretty installers. It's fairly hardcore to get the thing on there.
i downloaded the 1.4r2 livecd, i hope gentoo does better with gcc3.2 than i did with LFS. i've glanced at the gentoo install instructions and it looks rather unpleasant, but i didn't switch to linux pretty installations.
i tried installing Redhat 7 one day and made it to the final installation steps before something went wrong. i was impressed by the graphics.

on another note, i'm disappointed that since i went from having a sdram system to faster ddr system that it isn't as fast as i thought it would be. i guess i expected too much