G20 Protests

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I don't need youtube to show me a bunch of morons.

There was some imbecile on the radio explaining how he was an anarchist & was against all government. everywhere. While I can daydream too, I wonder, if he'd been beaten up, woud he call for a cop?
Because he'd probably feel guilty kicking yo' ass. :shrug:

It sure is lucky spike, 2minkey and I (and others) never get tired of honestly, intellectually and morally stomping the fuck out of all the litter you spew....I mean post on this board!

I'd hate to imagine what a child who innocently stumbled on your fear and hate mongering might think! If the kid took you seriously, he might grow up to come looking for the actual physical you, to make sure you get your name on a death panel under the new Socialist States of America's laws for spreading negative vibes!

Lucky we are here to ridicule such stuff to make them understand that you are actually just into dark sarcastic humor, and playing Saban's advocate!!

Oh you should. Really check this one out. Watch it all the way through.


Wow, these are truly the dregs of humanity! This is actually as hilarious as it is pathetic. Such people can and will never have any real power. I am surprised any of them were able to read a map or earn enough to pay there way their for the idiot fest! If I were one of Beck's army of dupes, I'd be downplaying how big that idiot parade was!

How do some of these slobbering knuckle dragging idiots even feed themselves or cross the road?!?
That looked like a personal attack. You should clean it up with your manic character map again. :shrug:
Wow, these are truly the dregs of humanity! This is actually as hilarious as it is pathetic. Such people can and will never have any real power. I am surprised any of them were able to read a map or earn enough to pay there way their for the idiot fest! If I were one of Beck's army of dupes, I'd be downplaying how big that idiot parade was!

How do some of these slobbering knuckle dragging idiots even feed themselves or cross the road?!?

Is it really so hard to figure out that people are going to get a little uneasy when Fearless Leader sets out on a mission to "fundamentally transform" the country?

Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein 0bama

He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein 0bama

He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein 0bama

He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein 0bama

He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein 0bama
Oh, sorry. My mistake. :rolleyes: I mistyped "magic."

I'll accept that, whether it is true or not. If it's not it is a great save. Much as you scare me you also keep me laughing at the most peculiar times! I have wanted to once in a while, but I have never even yet actually went as far as going to my ignore list in reference to you in all the time I have been here.

:rolleyes: :shrug: :laugh:
The last video mentioned by spike was very biased. it was funny, but obviously they only showed footage of the rednecks who were there for the pretzels and corndogs.
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