G20 Protests

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This one is a hell of a lot more accurate:


Ok, let's analyze this one at 00:37 I can make out a sign saying "Fire the Czars". I guess this person is mad that Reagan started appointing Czars and Bush has had the most Czars.

There's also a sign about invasion of privacy which I guess is about Bush's repeated unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Something about stopping the spread of Fascism. That's a certain reference to the Bush administration.

At 00:45 there's a "In God We Trust" sign. Whats' the point of that one?

Then I see a Socialists sign. I guess that person had nothing to say.

At 00:57 there's a "We the People" sign. I guess this is an Obama supporter saying "We the people elected Obama in a landslide".

Then there's a bunch of guys climbing on and potentially defacing a very old statue.

"Don't tread on Me" sign celebrating our independence from England.

"Guns, Religion, and $. You keep the change" - Hard to decipher what the hell that one is about.

"unapologetic capitalist" - Okay, wonderful.

"Obama bin Lyin" - Seems this guy thinks Obama is muslim or related to a terrorist somehow. Also has a "waterboard congress" sign which I guess is showing his support for torture.

"George Bush is bad. Obama is the Boogeyman" - Great.

"Yes I am" - ???

"Acorn is a criminal organization why are you giving them our money". - I can get behind defunding any organization that has done anything criminal. Halliburton, Blackwater, etc.

"Free men do not ask permission to bear arms" - Ok, I don't know which issue on the table he is referring to.

"Hands of my healthcare" - Ok, nobody was putting their hands on your healthcare but sure.

"in the party of hell no" - Yes, we know. No to everything. Yawn.

"Worst Marxist president ever" - Seems this person doesn't know what Marxist means.

"Christian nation" - Would really be interested in the point of this one.

Then there's a quote "The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certian occasion that I wish it to always be kept alive" - I think this is saying that Cerise was wrong to be calling everyone America-haters when they resisted Bush.

This video is not more accurate than the one I posted. This one simply shows a bunch of signs while a homosexual sings (that would probably piss off a lot of the tea baggers).

My video was interviews with the tea baggersand actually educating them about some of the issues.
....There's also a sign about invasion of privacy which I guess is about Bush's repeated unconstitutional invasion of privacy. Something about stopping the spread of Fascism. That's a certain reference to the Bush administration....

You have my understanding and for the most part agreement on the whole above post save for this. It is true that Bush started that bullshit after 9/11 ostensibly to protect us, but anyone with any sense sees how stupid that is now.

The trouble is, Obama is showing far too much acceptance of the policies and is reluctant to be rid of them.

Just callin' a spade when I see one! (sic)
Yeah, I'd like to see him move away from some of Bush's crap a little more quickly.

I wonder why Gonz is calling the G20 protesters idiots and morons.
I guess this person is mad that Reagan started appointing Czars and Bush has had the most Czars.

You might want to go back as far as FDR.

RM, the story was about the G20 summit in Pittsburg. I do agree, there are plenty of goofs on the coasts.

I wonder why Gonz is calling the G20 protesters idiots and morons.

Because they are. They are rent a mob losers who need to get off mommy's couch & get a job.
I don't need youtube to show me a bunch of morons.

There was some imbecile on the radio explaining how he was an anarchist & was against all government. everywhere. While I can daydream too, I wonder, if he'd been beaten up, woud he call for a cop?

They are being denied the right to protest at the G20 meeting. You find not fault with that?

Anarchist are everywhere. But they are a minority. Even so, the First Amendment includes them as well.

By the way, I posted those videos because from what I gather, the media is not showing what is really going on there. They are a peaceful assembly trying to protest while the cops are being hostile.
Ok, let's analyze this one at 00:37 I can make out a sign saying "Fire the Czars". I guess this person is mad that Reagan started appointing Czars and Bush has had the most Czars.

Booooosh! had

5 AIDS czars

3 Faith czars

4 Budget czars

3 Cleanup czars

2 Communication czars

2 Cybersecurity Czars

2 Homeland Security Czars

2 Intelligence Czars

2 Manufacturing Czars

2 Public Diplomacy Czars

2 Regulatory Czars

Plus 18 Other Czars

So that's 11 POSITIONS that were re-filled over an 8 year period, in one case up to 5 times. OVER AN 8 YEAR PERIOD. Get it?

VS. 0bama's 43 POSITIONS that have been filled in the first 8 months. :rolleyes:

And you do recall that 0bama has upheld and expanded the warrantless wiretaps? :shrug:

"Potentially defacing?" Climbing on an iron statue has the potential to deface it how? :rolleyes:

As opposed to leftists "actually defacing" which happened to as many as 9 veteran's memorials in '07.

Did you know that the area was left cleaner than when the 0bots were in DC to observe the coronation?
Booooosh! had

5 AIDS czars

3 Faith czars

4 Budget czars

3 Cleanup czars

2 Communication czars

2 Cybersecurity Czars

2 Homeland Security Czars

2 Intelligence Czars

2 Manufacturing Czars

2 Public Diplomacy Czars

2 Regulatory Czars

Plus 18 Other Czars

So...Bush had 47 Czars and Obama has less than that... hmm. What were you trying to say again?
meh, we have the first amendment.
What's good for the goose...

I could reference, the mote in the brother's eye.... but it wouldn't
be received well atm imo.
So...Bush had 47 Czars and Obama has less than that... hmm. What were you trying to say again?

The issue is how many positions were available, not how may people have actually filled them. For instance, throughout his 8 years there was one slot for an AIDS czar. Why multiply it by 5?

Bush had 29 positions. Some were temporary, like the one designated to rebuild the Gulf Coast, and when that work was done, so was the title.

Unlike 0bama's 45 permanent positions, the main requirement of each seems to be that they are an America-hating communist. :shrug:
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