Gangs Spreading In The Military

Perhaps the real reason is good news for America is bad news for the libs? :shrug:

well the "libs" you seem to think are hiding around every corner certainly are moronic, but i doubt they're truly cheering for the other side. they just like to watch the neofascist cheerleaders gettin' disappointed.
well the "libs" you seem to think are hiding around every corner certainly are moronic, but i doubt they're truly cheering for the other side. they just like to watch the neofascist cheerleaders gettin' disappointed.

Naah. Its just that I grow weary of pointing out matter how bad some think the military is, we've done a damned good job of keeping most of the monkeys of our backs, now haven't we?...

BTW...if some folks who claim to be 'elite' would actually join up, what kind of military do you think we'd have? Not to throw stones here, but you get the military that you recruit, and as along as the 'elite' won't volunteer, then this is what you get. :shrug:
Naah. Its just that I grow weary of pointing out matter how bad some think the military is, we've done a damned good job of keeping most of the monkeys of our backs, now haven't we?...

BTW...if some folks who claim to be 'elite' would actually join up, what kind of military do you think we'd have? Not to throw stones here, but you get the military that you recruit, and as along as the 'elite' won't volunteer, then this is what you get. :shrug:

i'd be happy so see 'elite' folks in the military, too. but then that would fundamentally change the nature of how this country pursues war. because at this point it's still about sending the lower classes to fight wars relevant to the upper classes.
The Liberal’s refusal to acknowledge reality is at times astounding!

Not worry in the process of keeping ourselves safe
you get to come along for the ride.

Typical as Libbys are always lookin’ for the free ride.

Ya fat bastards!
oh, winky. what next? yes, liberals love babies on spikes.

those horrible, horrible liberals.

looking for a free ride? nah you got it all wrong.

they just want a free ride for certain others that they feel guilty about. certain others that are competing economically with them trailer park 'publicans. the latter of which, by their own boorishness, are difficult to feel sorry for. but they certainly do form a willing audience for


scare tactics.
Quite the opposite, the cons need the bad news or they can't do their fear mongering.

America's good news is the left's bad news!

This is from an elected American Congressman from the Democrat party---he's the Majority Whip--- and he openly admits he believes a good report from the commander of US forces is........a problem:

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said Monday that a strongly positive report on progress on Iraq by Army Gen. David Petraeus likely would split Democrats in the House and impede his party's efforts to press for a timetable to end the war.

Clyburn noted that Petraeus carries significant weight among the 47 members of the Blue Dog caucus in the House, a group of moderate to conservative Democrats. Without their support, he said, Democratic leaders would find it virtually impossible to pass legislation setting a timetable for withdrawal.

"I think there would be enough support in that group to want to stay the course and if the Republicans were to stay united as they have been, then it would be a problem for us," Clyburn said. "We, by and large, would be wise to wait on the report."

But of late there have been signs that the commander of U.S. forces might be preparing something more generally positive. Clyburn said that would be "a real big problem for us."
spike supports the military. He's yet to post a positive thread about them but by God, err, sorry, by Elm tree, he supports our troops,
Minker, hep a boorish trailer park 'publican out will ya?!?

What is this scare tactic of which you spake?
go back and read any of your posts that eventuate in some sorta massive nuclear blast. i looked, there's 4,327 of them. evaluate what leads to that blast in your scenarios. there's yer scare stories.
With regards to evaluating a candidate for president in '08---where, on a scale of one to 10--- one being the lowest priority, do you place the candidate's views on the issue of Homeland Security/GWoT in your consideration in voting for that person?
With regards to evaluating a candidate for president in '08---where, on a scale of one to 10--- one being the lowest priority, do you place the candidate's views on the issue of Homeland Security/GWoT in your consideration in voting for that person?

Me personally 8
is why I like Tancredo ahead of most.
With regards to evaluating a candidate for president in '08---where, on a scale of one to 10--- one being the lowest priority, do you place the candidate's views on the issue of Homeland Security/GWoT in your consideration in voting for that person?

duh? who would not respond strongly, especially not posed as a trade-off with other concerns?


the debate is about how to best achieve it.
America's good news is the left's bad news!

If there's not enough bad news to keep their party afloat the right just makes some up!

WASHINGTON - Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said yesterday that his "gut feeling" is the nation faces a heightened terror threat this summer, and he urged Americans to be vigilant.,0,5908722.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-print

Yay! More fear mongering based. Gotta keep the gullible scared.
spike supports the military. He's yet to post a positive thread about them but by God, err, sorry, by Elm tree, he supports our troops,

Bullshit, I post plenty of good things about the troops. Like I've posted how 70% or so of them want to withdraw from Iraq several times. I'm behind them.

It's too bad your idea of support is ignoring them so they can die in a farce. I'm sure they appreciate that.