Gangs Spreading In The Military

Bullshit, I post plenty of good things about the troops. Like I've posted how 70% or so of them want to withdraw from Iraq several times. I'm behind them.

It's too bad your idea of support is ignoring them so they can die in a farce. I'm sure they appreciate that.

Looks like you've put too much faith in reporters. We have a job to do. Just shut up and let us do it the way we see fit. We know the rule, and we know our jobs. You don't.
Re-read the title of this thread, and then tell me about fear mongering and gullibility.

Ok, the title of the thread is from the news story showing how gangs are spreading in the military. Fear mongering and gullibility on the other hand is like when the administration uses "gut feelings", alert-levels based on nothing, and misinformation about WMDs to scare the public into supporting bullshit.
Looks like you've put too much faith in reporters. We have a job to do. Just shut up and let us do it the way we see fit. We know the rule, and we know our jobs. You don't.

Ok, if 70% want to withdraw I'm behind them doing what they see fit. Now shut up about it just cause you're in the minority.

We should let the soldiers do their job, instead of keeping them in Iraq.
Why would you cut the important part off?

"especially not posed as a trade-off with other concerns?".

With regards to evaluating a candidate for president in '08---where, on a scale of one to 10--- one being the lowest priority, do you place the candidate's views on the issue of Homeland Security/GWoT in your consideration in voting for that person?

I wasn't asking about "other concerns." I was asking for a number.

Since you asked though---What important public "concerns" should a candidate in '08 arrange in priority when running for the office of President of the US? Please list them, in your opinion, 10 being the most critical.

Why haven't you addressed the fact that the majority whip has been interviewed in the media and has stated that good news reported from Iraq is bad news for the democrat party?
Ok, if 70% want to withdraw

Wanna bet, had some fool asked 1000 trops in Monte Casino if they wanted to withdraw, nealry 100% would have said yes.

Same with Iwo Jima.

What about Normandy? The Battle of the Bulge? Guadalcanal?

That's why you don't take polls in a theater of war.

Our men volunteered-with an incredible amout volunteering post 9/11 & an even more incredible number after the fall of Baghdad.

Stay out of their way (same goes for Pelosi, Reed, Murtha & yes, Bush)
No Gonz
you had to mention battles that the troops actually
would have shot AT YOU if you suggested they run away!

If you went to Iraq and tried to convince the boots on the ground that they aren't up to the task,
that they are no match for the little men in dirty night shirts
I'd think you'd have a tough time?
So what is the point of you posting this?
You do know that:

A: Said "members of Iraq's parliament" would all soon be dead if American troops left?

B: The Iraqi 'gubermint' has about as much power as a housefly?


C: Even in the HIGHLY unlikely event one of your silly-assed candidates
makes it in to the Blanca House the troops ain't leaving Iraq?

I breathlessly await the appropriate cogent response that we've all so become accustomed too from you!
So what is the point of you posting this?
You do know that:

A: Said "members of Iraq's parliament" would all soon be dead if American troops left?

You wish.

B: The Iraqi 'gubermint' has about as much power as a housefly?

Wrong, the Council passes federal laws, oversees the executive, ratifies treaties, and approves nominations of specified officials. It elects the president of the republic, who selects a prime minister from the majority coalition in the Council.

C: Even in the HIGHLY unlikely event one of your silly-assed candidates
makes it in to the Blanca House the troops ain't leaving Iraq?

Wrong again.

I breathlessly await the appropriate cogent response that we've all so become accustomed too from you!

Two of your points were wishful speculation and one was and outright lie.

Of course we're accustomed to you posting this kind of crap. Maybe you want to try being cogent for once?
Learn to follow the discussion.

By that, you mean ignore when you make up meaningless crap that has no basis in reality?

Yes, the great majority of the US wants us out of Iraq and for them Congress isn't doing enough to get us out. For the other idiots they are doing too much.

Did you have an actual related point?