Garbage joy

tonksy said:
Dude! It was huge and right next to the house :tardbang:

And ......?

Hey Rob, Hey Tracy. I'll be back in a sec, I wanna go rummage around your entire property to see if there's any interesting features. Be right back...

You already thought I was wierd. Did you expect me to compound it?
Seriously, it was between our house and the house next to it. You passed it a handful of times coming and going. Big pile of kudzu not ringing a bell?
This is the hedge wall... or ex-hedge wall right at the rear window. It was all too much, too big, too close to each other, the deck, and the foundation. I took a chainsaw to it all while screaming 'Flavio's brains!'
That grey pipe is a poorly hidden electrical conduit for the sprinkler system.

Off to the right, right at the deck... the BBQ station inset to the deck, I found this. It would appear to be a direct gas feed for a BBQ unit. I wonder if it still works?

Who the hell let you within 20' of a chainsaw???

T, there was a big hill behind the house sparcely covered in mulch and ivy, a non functional spa (I'm gonna bring some big guage wire this year and get that running) and a bad ass driveway, that I'd kill for on a winter's morning with a flat battery. What did I miss?
I don't think maybe Atlanta ravines are like Canada ravines.

I think I've seen pics of what he's talking's a shady treed low spot.
Driving up to the house you pass that ghastly pink monstrosity of the neighors then our kudzu pit then our house.
This is the rose in question. Note how most of the living slender growth of it is shooting down and to the left. Tis a side effect of being on its side in a pit for a year... and under a hedgewall of kudzu lines at that. The little cluster of flowers were the only thing I could see of it. At first I only thought the thing was a small wild plant about a foot tall. It turned out to be about 9 feet tall and utterly entwined and half dead.
I don't recognise the railing there either.

Tonks, the only thing I saw on your street was address plates. Until I know a place, I tend to tunnel vision on them while driving.
Well, pay attention this time! It like a kudzu temple! We pay homage to it by tossing in our large clippings.
Surrounded by limos and half million dollar houses, and she wants me to gape at the architecture.

2 shots of the 'ravine' The upland spot where the rose was found is level ground. The pic is fuzzed because it was taken through a screened window. The right side of the ravine, or street side if you will, is a bit of a chasam going at least 4 1/2 meters deep and a bit wide. A semi could disappear in it.
The girls must have a ball rolling down that. But, as Les suggested, "ravine" and "chasm" seem to have different meanings as you move further south.
I remember that little earth feature... had a great view of it from the bathroom window, so every time I took a whiz upstairs I had a great view of it.